Chapter 1

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Watching TV in the living room, as usual, the TV never interested me, at least not that much. Dad would normally come home with a bunch of old-timey movies that not even an android would be able to look up so easily. 

But with cable It's just so easy to look up what's going to happen next I sighed as I grabbed the remote. "Wasn't I supposedto be doing something?" I turned my head slightly to view my objective panel

*Clean the house before 9pm*


I jumped back, hearing the front door unlock. "Y/n, take my bags to my room-" she paused and glanced around the room.

"Why is my house not clean?!" She roared, I just stood touging on my shirt.

"I-I" she grabbed my wrist and made me look at her.

"ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS (Y/N)!" She shouted. I stayed quiet noticing my stress level going up.

"Why are you so difficult?!" she grunted throwing me against the couch and causing my head to hit the coffee table.

She walked up to me once again lifting my now bleeding head, I flinched as she placed her hand on the wound.

A giggle escape her mouth as she smiled.

 "I don't even know why I keep you here anymore, I should just deactivate you right here." She slowly started reaching for my pump regulator but I grabbed her hand slowly pushing her away.

"Please, mom" I grunted, her eyes widened with confusion.

"Hey, mom I'm back from school-" Our eyes glanced at the front door seeing Michael staring at me then mom and smiled and walked to his room. 

While mom was distracted I pushed her away and stumbled over to the bathroom but I soon felt a hand grab my (h/c) hair and dragged me into the kitchen then dropped me near the sink.

"By the time I go to bed I want this kitchen and living room cleaned, I'm having a guest over so I want it SPOTLESS."

I looked at the window that appear in the corner of my eye.




I sighed looking at the list then back at her.


"I-I understand" I hesitated.

Mom walked away while I stood up in front of the sink and started the dishes. After a few seconds, I felt something wet running down my face, I whipped my face with my arm and saw blue blood. I could feel my whole body start to shake.

I ran across the living room into the bathroom as fast as I can. Breathing heavily I quickly ran water on a rag and whipped my face. After a while, the bleeding stopped and my synthetic skin repaired itself as usual. 

I left the bathroom and walked into the kitchen noticing Michael walking into the living room with a suit on and started watching tv.

I quickly started back on the dishes...


C̶L̶E̶A̶N̶I̶N̶G̶ T̶H̶E̶ K̶I̶T̶C̶H̶E̶N̶


I walked into the living room and started cleaning the coffee table, after mom threw me against it the half-empty beer bottles were now spilled on the floor, so I grabbed the mop and started cleaning "Hey I can't see the tv! move!" I jumped and moved out of the way.

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