Chapter 12

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"MICHAEL!?" You looked at him with fear in your eyes, all the courage you once had just disappeared,' no, I shouldn't be scared of him' He started breathing down your neck "NO!" you punched then pushed him off of you. "Ugh!, I guess stabbing you didn't get the message across" you started walking up to him until he grabbed your neck pushing you back into a wall. Your outer skin started to disappear until he let go.

You fell to the ground gasping for unneeded air "I guess my mother beating you didn't teach you anything y/n" He started kicking you as you tried to get up. You caught his ankle making him fall backward, you stumbled trying to stan. You pulled out your gun aiming it at him.

He looked at you in shock then slowly starting laughing like a psycho. "HA, How are you going to shoot me with no bullets!" As he continued laughing I pulled the trigger only hearing a click, you could feel even more fear welling up but you still kept an eye on Michael. Silence started to fill the air until you thought about the time.


10:51:04 pm

"Put the gun down!" You both turned around seeing multiple officers walking down the street pointing guns at us "Help!" you quickly turned to Michael then back to the officers. "Fire!" You ran behind a car trying to figure out a way out. You spotted an alleyway across the street.



'That's too risky' you moved to another car seeing nowhere else to escape "Damn, I need to fight a few of them" You sighed looking for an officer. You snuck behind one of them and choked him out with his rifle and took it, "23 rounds left, that should be enough." You walked out into the street shooting each officer but not enough to kill them. After a while it was quiet but you did have to kill a few of them.


You dropped the rifle as you looked at the bodies on the ground but at one specifically Michaels he wasn't dead but just barely alive, you walked up to him grabbing a pistol off the ground "I'm pretty sure you regretting everything now huh." you pointed the gun at him. He looked at you almost like he was pleading, you stood there for a while thinking. You looked up to hear various footsteps coming your way 'shit they got more people?' you glanced down at Michael seeing him take his last breath. Knowing that he's dead you ran continuing your route to downtown.




10:57:15 pm

Once I made it Military trucks were blocking a part of the road making me worry a bit. I got closer looking for a way in until I saw North and other androids pushing a car up to the barricade. "North!" I ran over before they finished "Y/n?" she looked at me confused. "Sorry I got held back." you looked around "Where's Markus?" "He went over to speak to the humans" I nodded and started walking around.

I came upon an android sitting down looking at the military barricade "I know that we're doing a peaceful revolution but through history, humans only learned through violence," he looked at me "How will this be any different rA9?" I glanced over at Markus and the FBI agent "Well, the more you know about the past, the better prepared you are for the future." I placed my hand on his shoulder "We're not going to make the same mistake that others made in the past" he slightly smiled then went to go help with the barricade.

After I spoke with that android Markus climb back into the barrier, I got closer to the middle when he started informing us what's going to happen.

"The humans are about to launch an attack. And we will show them that we are not afraid if we must die today, then we will die free-" As he paused for a second I saw a small canister land beside me, It was too late to move before it exploded launching me a few feet away. Once I opened my eyes I felt disoriented, all I could hear were gunshots.

I gathered myself as I tried to stand up failing the first time but making it on the second. I looked around until I made eye contact with three androids hiding behind a pile of tires as a soldier started making his way over to them, I started running over to the shooting the soldier. the three got up and went to a safer cover, I was standing up once again but fell.


#6847j right leg component punctured

I looked down at my leg, pieces of shrapnel were sticking out of my leg as blue blood leaked out. I grabbed onto the pile of tires lifting myself. I limped over to different defenses covering other androids until we got cornered.

It was quiet, I looked around seeing that it was only a few of us left alive. Looking at them I could see how they felt despair, sadness, no hope left in them. I thought of a way to maybe get apices of sympathy from the humans. I and Markus walked out in front of the soldier.



As everything fell still the soldiers were speechless until one of them told the others to fall back. I felt relief, happiness, comfort all at one time. I turned around immediately hugging Markus "We did it!" he looked down at you and smiled.




As we were going over to the android camps Connor and hundreds possibly even thousands of androids walked down the street, once they all stopped I was in awe.

"You both did it, Markus, rA9..." Connor said

"We all did," I said

"This is a great day for our people. Humans will have no choice now." Markus stated

"They'll have to listen to us now" I smile at the words. Connor moved to the side as Markus, North, and I took a step in front of our people. "We're free...truly free," I said looking at my people.


After some time we all agreed to talk to our people.

"Today, our people finally emerged from a long night. From the very first day of our existence, we have kept our pain to our selves to ourselves. We suffered in silence. But now the time has come for us to raise our heads up, and tell humans who we really are." As Markus finished his speech I began to walk up to say mine.


My eyes widen at what I just witness, Markus collapsed onto the ground with a bullet wound through the chest. I fell to my knees, my eyes filling up with tears. "No! please!" I grabbed his hand not wanting to let go. Seeing that he doesn't have much time left I hugged him even tighter. "Please- please keep your promise, don't leave me" I sobbed.

"I̴̊̓̑̏͝'̷̆́̂m̴̞̀̃̈̊̌͗̆̕̕͝ ̸͙̭̋ş̵̧̘̻̇o̴̿̎̉̐͛ṙ̸̐͛̍r̶̮̟̬̜̲̃́͘y̶̺͔͋̈̈́͐̀̿͊," He said as he fell limp.

I looked around in the crowd of androids just to see Perkins lowering his pistol. Multiple soldiers dragged him away. I was too sad to do anything I just sat there for what felt like hours sobbing.


(A/T: The last Chapter is already out :-0 )

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