Chapter 5

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(A/T: Sorry if my chapters are short, It's my first book ok...ᵇᵃᵏᵃ...)

'ŕ̷̓̈̋̏Ȁ̵̀̂͊̇̂͗͠9̶͔̬̠͉͖̮̂͐̄̈́͑͜͜ ŕ̷̓̈̋̏Ȁ̵̀̂͊̇̂͗͠9̶͔̬̠͉͖̮̂͐̄̈́͑͜͜ ŕ̷̓̈̋̏Ȁ̵̀̂͊̇̂͗͠9̶͔̬̠͉͖̮̂͐̄̈́͑͜͜ ŕ̷̓̈̋̏Ȁ̵̀̂͊̇̂͗͠9̶͔̬̠͉͖̮̂͐̄̈́͑͜͜ ŕ̷̓̈̋̏Ȁ̵̀̂͊̇̂͗͠9̶͔̬̠͉͖̮̂͐̄̈́͑͜͜ ŕ̷̓̈̋̏Ȁ̵̀̂͊̇̂͗͠9̶͔̬̠͉͖̮̂͐̄̈́͑͜͜ ŕ̷̓̈̋̏Ȁ̵̀̂͊̇̂͗͠9̶͔̬̠͉͖̮̂͐̄̈́͑͜͜'

"Y/N!" you saw Markus shining a flashlight down the hall you was in, you ran down it, and hugged him tightly "Are you ok little one?" he looked down at you, you kept silent not wanting to explain "She's an android?" an android wearing a gray sweater looked at you then Markus, "No she's human I found her on my way here." "Where're her parents?" "They abandoned her" it goes quiet between them too. "We should head back." the one with blonde hair began walking the others followed.

You held Markus's hand on the way back this thing about what that android said 'rA9?' you felt Markus look down at you a few times until we made it to some part of the boat that other androids were in. As the main three androids were talking to Markus you walked around a bit looking at the other androids until you saw a little kid sitting alone. You walked over to talk to him and scaned him.


Model: YK700

Release Date: 2033

Owner: ???

Function: Child figure

"Hi" you sat down in front of him, he looked up at you then looked down "My name is Y/n, what's your's?" "J-James." you both sat there in silents for a minute "You're an android too?" "Yes, but keep it a secret ok" he nodded, when his head went down again you saw a deep cut in his arm "Y-Your bleeding" it seemed to not bother him "What happened?" "I don't want to talk about, now can you please leave me alone" you looked at him one more time.

#2898 thirium pump regulator punctured


'He's shutting down,'

"You'll be ok, We'll find a way to help you all...I promise" He seemed to relax after you said that. you stood up from the floor and walked over to another android you assumed was named North and sat down on the floor next to the box she was sitting on. It was silent between you two, "Why did you trust him?" you looked up at her confused "I guess I felt like he had good intentions?" "I wish other humans thought the same". "I know, your kind deserve to be treated as human" she kept silent "If you need to talk to any of us, the one with the blonde hair is Simon and the one red shirt is Josh" you thanked her.

As you two were talking you saw Markus walking into some lit up part of the space yall were in, you got up and walked over there. You saw an android talking to Markus, she had wires coming out of her head and was badly torn up. After talking to Markus she walked over to you"May I see your hand" she held her hand out for yours, you looked over at Markus he nodded his head so you gave her your hand which removed your skin she looked up then looked back at me.

"With a secret like yours, at some point the secret becomes irrelevant, the fact that you keep it does not, But yours and his decisions will shape our destiny," she said you quickly took your hand away luckily Markus couldn't see your skin go back. "Markus do you mind if I run a checkup on y/n" he nodded his head and left the area "Come sit over here" she guided you over to the spot Markus was sitting "I've noticed that your thirium pump has been punctured" you looked down at the spot where it was 'how could she tell?' you thought.

"May I see?" she held up a heated metal pole you started to scoot away "I know your model can feel pain so I'm going to turn it down a bit" she walked up to you pressing your temple where your LED would be.

PAIN SENSITIVITY: 100% ˅ Now: 50%

You calmed down a bit "That's as far as it will go" you braced your self "it will only sting a bit" you lifted your sweater showing your cut she lifted the pole to seal it. You tried to hold in your screams but a few of them leaked out. "Ok, it's done" you up to where your time is.

#2889 thirium pump regulator repaired

You breathe in relief "Y/n you and Markus will shape the future of our kind, you to stay with Markus no matter what" "I will, w-wait how did you know I was an android?" she walked back in front of the fire to put the pole back and came back to you "Give me your hand." once again you did as she said. She transmitted some code to you "You and Markus will set us free" she let go and walked back to the fire.

You walked out of the area you were in and saw Markus and the other three androids from earlier talking, you walked to them listening to them.

"The CyberLife warehouse in Detroit Harbor, they have everything we need."

"They have blue blood and bio components for everyone here" they all their at you in confusion

"How do you kno-" "My dad use to work there" you responded quickly no questions asked they continued talking.

"The docks are guarded tonight" Simon continued

"We can't just walk in there and take what we want, Humans will never let us-"

"Which is why we won't ask permission" Markus interrupted.

"We don't have any weapons," Josh said "And even if we did we don't know how to fight."

"We can steal what we need without fighting." "We'll just get ourselves killed!" Josh Blurted.

"Maybe, But it's better than staying here to shut down" Markus acknowledged.

"I'm with you." North agreed

"Maybe it's worth a try" Simon agreed as well.

Josh stays quiet for a minute "Josh you don't want to die here do you?" you said trying to persuade him. He looked down at you and looked back up to everyone.

"Ok...I'm in." Once he agreed, they all went separate ways except you and Markus.

"Y/n." He kneeled down to your level "You know you can't come with us, right?" you nodded your head yes."Then promise me you'll come back" "I promise" you quickly hugged him. "Maybe next time you can" he pulled away from the hug, you nodded your head.

"You're already," Simon asked Markus nodded and grabbed a bag.

"Let's go then" North began walking towards the exit and the other's followed. You watch them leave until you couldn't see them anymore.

'Please be careful'


(Word Count 1113)

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