Chapter 9

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(A/T: Can someone help a girl out. I need help finding a good title for this book, I'm not feeling the one now. So, please HELP.)

'What?' I was looking at the sheet that was standing in the middle of the room I saw Chloe walking up to remove it. A long white hair android(not permanent) stood there with her eyes closed, I took a look at her uniform

 A long white hair android(not permanent) stood there with her eyes closed, I took a look at her uniform

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'this is truly rA9! well, I'm acuall- ok I'm confusing myself'.

As I stood right in front of it I heard Kamski call Chloe into the other room, But as she left I peeked out the doorway and listened to what was happening. "I'm sure you're familiar with the Turing test." I looked down to recall that test.

'It determines whether or not an android is capable of thinking like a human being. what is he getting at?' as I looked back up I saw Kamski motioning Chloe to stand In front of him.

"Simple question of algorithms and computer compacity. What interest me, is whether machines are capable of empathy." Kamski tuned Chloe to face Connor.

"I call "The Kamski test", it's very simple". "Magnificent isn't it?" He remarked walking over to Chloe. "One of the first intelligent models developed by CyberLife. Young, and beautiful forever, a flower that will never wither" "But what is it really?" I started fiddling with my hair impatiently. 'C'mon'

"A plastic of plastic imitating a human? Or a living being with a soul." He said turning around to a small desk, then raising his hands showing no harm with the gun he was holding 'No! I know what he's trying to do, but will Connor do it?' I continued questioning myself until he spoke again.

"It's up to you to answer that fascinating question, Connor," Kamski said as he walked up to Connor, placing the gun in Connor's left hand aiming at Chloe's head. I wanted to close my eyes but I had a feeling not too. "Destroy this machine, and I'll tell you everything I know. Or spare it if you feel like it's alive, but you'll leave here without having learned anything from me." Kamski walked Beside Connor. I could see a bit of yellow appearing in Connor's LED.

"Ok, I think we're done here," Hank said. A sigh of relief left my mouth as I stopped tensing up. "What's more important to you, Connor?" Kamski asked as he stares at Connor. "Your investigation, or the life of this android? Decide who you are. And obedient machine...or a living being endowed with free will..."

"That's enough! Connor, we're leaving." Hank shouts, upset. "Pull the trigger..." Kamski whispered, "Connor, don't!" Hank shouts once again. "...and I'll tell you what you wanna know." Kamski persuaded. It was silent between the three, I walked out the room, as the door closed behind me it grabbed only Hanks attention.

Connor looked at me in the corner of his eye 'Don't do it Connor it's not worth it' I told him through his LED, Kamski looked at me knowing what I was doing. Connor lowers his arm then handed the gun back to Kamski. "Fascinating.." Kamski whispers as he processed what happened take the gun. I started walking back to the room as they continued their conversation.

", Is itself a deviant" those words stopped me in my tracks, it was quiet until Connor responded "I'm...I'm not a deviant" I could tell he was a bit confused by the sound of his voice but those words still made me upset. I walked into the room with my head down 'I wish I could free you, Connor'.

After Hank and Connor left I've been glaring at the android in front of me as if it was going to move or open its eyes at any moment and or because she looked stunning. The door opened revealing Kamski and Chloe "Ah, you found the reason you're here, it wasn't easy getting you here too" Kamski said "So that's why Lucy told me to wait?" He looked at me in confusion as he walked up to the android.

"As you may know you're a prototype of this android, but as we were manufacturing you this body could wasn't prepared yet, but we had to find out your flaws and other problems in your system." I nodded my head, " But why a child model?" He started observing the ZK800, "Well your model was an easy task for Mr. and Mrs. Miller, they were the ones who created the YK series of children androids. But we kept your system the same as an adult android. But luckily before the incident, Michelle finished this model.

" As I was processing the information a question came up "I never really felt like a child, only a slave" After some silence, it was time to transfer to the other android.

"You'll need to grab her arm almost like you're turning it deviant" Kamski informed me. I walked up to it taking a deep breath until I closed my eyes. All I could see was my system processing some codes and software.

"Can you hear me?" He asked, I opened my eyes "Yes." I was shocked at how mature my voice sounded "Just to make sure your bio components are good walk around" As I walked around a bit I was in awe. "Finally, I'm tall" I could hear Kamski Laughing "But you're only 5'4 and a bit taller with the shoes" I ignored the comment and relished in my happiness. "I need you to state your serial number" Kamski mentioned, I stopped walking around "441 212 6204" He nodded his head then left the room.

I was following until I came upon a mirror, 'white hair doesn't suit me, how about h/c' a wave of h/c hairs covered all of the white, with a smile I left the room. As I followed Kamski over to the side of the pool opening the desk drawer then pulling out a f/c gun "You might need this before you leave." He handed it to me, as I put the gun in my thigh holster I uprose a lingering question "'re on the androids side?" "I'm giving you a gun, aren't I? and I'm not sending you to CyberLife," He remarked.

"Now, you should go back to your people, I'm sure that they want rA9 and Markus to lead them." Kamski enlighten. "There will be a taxi here in a few, it won't take you directly to Jericho but I'll take close enough." I didn't want to ask how he knows about Jericho or where it's located I was just to existed.

As I pacing back and forth, my loud shoes hitting the floor I saw the taxi pulled, I thanked Kamski and left.



As the taxi came to a complete stop you stepped out and looked around the area 'A construction site this is the quickest way to get into Jericho' you thought as you walked through the site then into Jericho.

You almost didn't realize the place that was once gloomy freedom is now filled with light. As you walked further in you saw Kara, Alice, and another android sitting together. Once you walked up to them they seemed confused 'Crap, how did I forget that quickly, I look nothing like my other model' you mentally facepalmed yourself. "Oh sorry, It's me Y/n the little girl that you saved from bleeding out" You referred. Kara process it, her expression lit up instantly. "Y/N!" Alice stood up and hugged you turning you around. Kara's attention was drawn to the jacket you were wearing. "You're rA9, Y/n?" You looked at Kara's confused face "I guess so, and please don't as how because I can't give a clear answer." Kara started laughing then hugged you.

After a long hug, your thought went back to Markus "Hey Kara, do you know where I can find Markus?" She sat Alice down on the crates "I was just speaking to him about getting bus tickets. He should be on the second floor to the right." "Thanks, and I'll get you those bus tickets, I promise." She thanked you as you began walking up the stairs.

Following the direction that Kara gave you you finally made it to the room, you saw Markus looking at the news. "Markus?" you walked into the room "I can't talk right now I'm very busy right now." He kept his eyes on the tv. "Not even to Y/n" Markus turned around dumbfounded "Y/n? is it really you?" you nodded your head. He walked up to and hugged you.

...This feeling...the feeling of safety that you can only get from a father that's what I felt at this moment if only it could have lasted longer...

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