Chapter 8

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(Y/n's POV)

"I was a wedding gift..." I finally had the courage to make eye contact with him, he made a motion telling me to continue 'I will tell about the murder but not Jericho' that long pause of me thinking arouse suspicion so I continued. "Mrs. and Mr. Miller were my owners, after they got a divorce the home became dangerous for me." as I continued explaining how I have been treated then a question was spoken out, "Then why did you killed them?".

"ISN'T IT OBVIOUS-!" I quickly stop myself realizing how loud I was, as the silence continued I saw my objective window appear but it was just full of code.

"November 5th at 11:39 pm Michelle Miller entered room 28 on the 2nd floor of the apartment, I was viewing tv at the time but then got attack by her for not cleaning the home, after that I was told to clean the house at the given time but I was disrupted by the son of Michelle Miller, he was inappropriately touching me and that's when I stabbed him once in the arm, then getting discovered by my owner I was dragged and pulled by my hair she aimed a gun at my head until I stirred it away from my head, the gun went off killing Michelle Miller instantly."

Connor seemed shocked by the sudden blurt of information and how my voice changed from childish to formal and to be honest I was shocked as well but it felt like I wasn't the one talking. "Once DPD entered the apartment you were nowhere to be seen, how-come?" not knowing what was happening my mouth started moving once again "I hurried away looking for help." He looked at me bewildered but continued with the questions "Where exactly?" As my mouth was prepared to answer my vision started becoming red and in the corner of my eye, I could see even more code than darkness.


As Y/n began to close her eyes Connor analyzed her 'She's on low power mode' "Connor, I think that's enough" Hank called, Connor walked over to the door meeting hank at the other entrance "Looks like you burned her out" he said sarcastically "Lieutenant, androids can not overheat" "Connor I kno-" "But, they can shut down themselves" Connor interrupted hank. "So that's what happened" Connor followed Hank to his desk "Yes, but that's impossible for kid androids".

"Well, we know nothing about her" it was silent between the two of them "Lieutenant why do you call the android she, it's not a real person?" again silence.

Connor started going over the files once again. "Kamski!" Connor stood up quickly "What about him?" Hank questioned "It told me that it was a wedding gift from Kamski, maybe he knows something Cyberlife doesn't-" Connor LED turned yellow. "I just got notified by CyberLife, the ZK700 is due for deactivation." Hank got up from his desk. "Well we should still take her to Kamski and maybe we'll get some info for the homicide's" Connor nodded before heading to the cells.

(Y/n's POV)

As I forced my eyes open I saw someone looking straight into my eyes "Gah!" I sat up making eye contact once again "Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you." The android quickly stood up looking downwards at me. "Oh! My name is Zinya I'm a CL700 android" I thought for a second before introducing my self "I'm y/n, I'm a ZK700 model."

"Wait, you're not human?" "I shook my head no as she looked at me confused "If you don't mind me asking Zinya, what was your function?" Her joy soon turned into nothing "I was a baby sitter, now what about you?" she seemed determined to change the subject "I was a daughter figure for my owner's" I looked down not wanting to think about it.

"You killed them didn't you?" she looked at me with a smile I quickly stood up "Y-yes! I did but out of-" "Self defense, I know. That's what we tell them but our kind is always in the wrong" I stared at her dead in the eyes "rA9 will save us all." I slowly walked up to her and grasped her arm "If you escape, there's a place where our kind is free, find Jericho."

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