Chapter 10

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(A/T: Can someone help a girl out. I need help finding a good title for this book, I'm not feeling the one now. So, please HELP.)

After the long hug and answering questions, you both became serious. "So, since you're rA9 everyone is relying on the both of us." "I guess so." you laugh nervously not knowing what to do next. "Oh, I need to find Kara some bus tickets to get across the border" Markus looked confused "How are you gonna get them?" I thought about it, "I just examined Detroit's border routes, there is a temporary bus site because of-" you paused in confusion. "Revolution?" You look over to Markus "You're starting the revolution already, are any of our people prepared for it?".

"Not all of them will be with us, but enough for us to win" you looked at him like he was crazy "Just us and our people won't be enough, we're going against Detroit's best FBI, and neither do we have weapons," as you were rambling about how dangerous this is Markus gave a please stop talking look as you were quieting down.

"Markus-" North walks into the room stopping as she notices you. "North it's just y/n," Markus said, you just waved at her then stood up "Well I'm going to get those bus tickets now" you walked past North in a rush.


As I was walking down the cold Detroit streets I started to hear voices in my head, the closer I got to them the clearer they got 'Help us rA9!' I ran to the voice seeing four men pointing guns at two androids, a male and a female. I realize that they were calling me through their LED. I quickly pulled my pistol out making the first shot, hitting one in the head, "Wow, Imma good shot" the last two looked at me in confusion 'ok maybe I still have the mine of a child' as they started firing at me, I dodged them all with no problem. 'And agility, I'm perfect!'

As one more shot rang out it grazed me 'ok maybe I was a little cocky hehe' "it seems like yall ran out of bullets" I said walking up to them. I pointed my gun at one of them killing him instantly until the other one grabbed my gun throwing it to the ground. "Fistfight it is," I said punching him in the face. As the fight went back and forth I ran to my gun firing at the officer.

After a bit of silence, the couple ran to me "T-thank you rA9" "You're our savior" I got a bit flustered by the respect. "You're both welcome, but why is this happening?" I asked worriedly "Detroit's army is gathering up androids and sending them all to camps," the man said. 'the hell, camps! this got so much worse' "Here, you both need to go to this place called Jericho" I grabbed both of their arms giving them the info "It's a huge boat you won't miss it" As I finished explaining they thanked me and left.


'Finally, I'm here' I thought as I walked up to the small building, there was a lot of police officers but they seem to be slacking off a bit, as I walked up to the front desk there was an ST300 waiting "Hello ma'am what can I do for you?" she asked "Um, I need three border tickets" I tried to sound formal but failed horribly "May I see an ID?" I started to panic a bit, if I say I don't have one I'll draw suspicion. Making sure there was no one looking I quickly grabbed her hand 'I need your help' her LED light turned yellow as she grabbed three tickets.

"Thank you," I said a bit nervous, she nodded her head as I turned around leaving the building mentally celebrating my victory.


As I was walking back to Jericho helicopters and FBI cars pulled up to the entrance 'shit' I quickly hid behind one of the construction walls. As I was waiting for most of them to go inside I drew out my gun shooting at the rest of them getting close enough to the entrance. As I was running I ran into Markus "Markus what's going on!" You scream over the loud shooting. "They're attacking Jericho!" "So what are we gonna do!" "We have to blow up Jericho, find North and Josh, and if I'm not there in time jump into the river.'

My heart throbbed at the thought of him not making it but I gathered myself and agreed to the idea. I put my fingers to my temple 'We're blowing up the boat everyone needs to evacuate' "I told everyone to evacuate" "Good now we gotta go!" We both went in our separate direction.

As I was running to find everyone I ran into Lucy as she grabbed me she said "This is the end of Jericho, save our people rA9" I slowly placed her down as she deactivated.

I ran down the hallway she came from seeing the same little YK700 android from earlier, "James!" As he started running towards me two officers turned the corner. I ran up to him pulling my gun out until I heard a snap. As we began to fall through the floor I grabbed him making sure that I take the impact and not him. It wasn't a long fall, I opened my eyes realizing that I'm on my back, I looked down seeing that he's on top of me "Are you ok?" I taped him then rolled him over. 'He's shot!' I tried my best to wake him wake up knowing that he won't. Tears started to form in my eyes 'How could someone shoot a kid' I thought.

After hearing more shots coming my was I quickly got up and ran still rubbing the tears from my eyes 'I didn't keep my promise'.

After more running, I saw Kara and Alice "Kara look!" Alice pointed at me "Y/n! you're alive" I quickly ran towards them "You two need to head out- wait where's the other android that was with you?" they both looked down until I realized what happened. The gunshots grew close "Follow me!" I gestured to Kara and Alice. As we were running a bullet flew past my head "In here!" I opened the ship door pushing Kara and Alice into the room. "Open up,! open up they're coming! " I was debating opening the door "She'll die out there Y/n! Open it! Open the door" I sighed, As I opened the door the android stumbled in but it was already too late.

The officer shot the android and kicked the door making me fall backward's. Kara started hitting him with his own gun until he picked up mine off the floor, I quickly tackled him to the ground. "Shot him, Kara!" I yelled as Kara quickly shot the officer, I stood quickly "Y/n!" I looked at Alice who was looking at my side. 'I'm Bleeding!' "I-It's just a scratch Alice, now Let's go," I said getting uncomfortable.

"A way out!, We're safe Alice" Kara shouted, we made it outside to a platform with a group of androids "Stop!" I heard a man yell as they started shooting. "Get down!" I said loud enough so Kara can hear me. "Don't move, Alice." the officers walked up to us checking to see if we're still alive. Luckily they didn't catch us.

"They're gone-" 'everyone meet up at the abandoned church nearby' I and Kara heard North. "Let's hurry," Kara said as we began running hearing explosions in the background.

'Please be ok'


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