Chapter 7

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(A/T: Before we start I want to give thanks to nikkisthighs
MonicaMunoz535 , and Catacone for supporting and interacting with this book. I really appreciate the support LOVE YALL!!!!!)

(No one's pov)

A scared sigh escapes your mouth as you were messing with the handcuffs "Could you stop messing with those cuffs, god it's f*cking annoying!" One of the officers complained, "Dude chill she's just a kid." "Yeah, a robotic kid," they said jokingly which hurt you mentally, As they said you're just a robotic kid.

The whole car ride was them making fun of you and how you were able to trick your own kind into thinking that you were human but overall you felt terrible knowing that you lied to the only person you felt safe with, you felt tears welling up in your eyes "Aw sh*t it's crying now, if you don't suck it up I'll have to deactivate you until we get to the DPD" "When could androids even cry".

As they continue laughing they finally pulled up to the DPD. They opened the car door and pulled you out...well more like dragged out, they had to call back up get you out of the car mainly because you were kicking and bitting them but they finally got you out. You sighed in defeat as they walked into the building.

As they were walking there was all eyes on yall three until they made it to a glass door that read Captin Fowler "Move it!" One of the policemen pushed you to go in "Captain Fowler" the two police said grabbing the captain's attention, as the captain looks at you then back to his associates "Why is this child in handcuffs!" Fowler said demanding an explanation from the two men, "Sir, it's an android it was with the group of androids that were breaking into the CyberLife stores all over Detroit."

The captain sat back down in his seat "How can you tell she is?" "Her skin sir, it's synthetic" "Ok well send it to the interrogation room, and take them d*mn handcuffs off it people gonna think we're crazy" as he demanded the officers they walked you over to the interrogation room.

As they took the handcuffs off you, you were glaring at them both until they left. 'I can see why North hates humans' you were looking around the small room 'And there's a camera' you thought as you walked over to one of the chairs in the room, once you sat down you started crying once again. You lifted your head up and saw a folder laying on the table across from you but you didn't bother to look into it scared of what could be in it.

After a while of silence, the door opened making you jump, an android walked in making eye contact with you.

(Connor POV)

Lieutenant Anderson and I walked into the DPD Hank looking depressed as always, but when we made it to his desk we were called into Captain Fowler's office "I just can't get a f*cking break." Hank murmured as we walked over to the captain's office. "What is it now Jeffrey-" "Once again Hank It's Captain Fowler" Hank rolled his eyes at the remark as I stood there waiting.

"We have deviant in one of the interrogation rooms and we need you and your android to get some info out of it, and we think that she might be the unknown android that killed Michelle Miller." Hank looked at Fowler in shock "But There was no evidence" I corrected him "Lieutenant, there was no evidence of a human being a killer but there was android evidence at the scene."

"Fine, we'll interrogate it" "Good, because you didn't have a choice" Hank scoffed at Fowler before he left for the interrogation rooms. Once we walked in Lieutenant Reed and another police officer were looking through the one-way glass. "Anderson and the tin can has entered the room once again." Reed turned around to face us. "F*ck off Reed, So have yall interrogated it yet. " Hank sat down unamused "Not yet Anderson, I tried to reframe Reed from interrogating it." the police officer joked "Yeah, after Carlos Ortiz's android we don't want that again" Reed stomped out the room hitting me on the shoulder.

"Connor why don't you talk to it, since you made the other one talk" Hank offered, I then began my way to the other room.

As I walked the android seemed to be frightened by the sudden noise, we made eye contacted instantly but then it turned away. I sat down in front of it to Analyze it.

■■■■■■■■■■■□□□ Analyzing Clothes...


DNA Analysis: Michelle Miller, Michale Miller

Sample Date: 4> Days Ago

■■■■■■■■■■■□□□ Analyzing Model...

Model: ???

Manufacture Date: ???

Property Of: Miller Family

■■■■■■■■■■■□□□ Analyzing LED...

No Signs Of An LED...

■■■■■■■■■■■□□□ Analyzing Bio Components...

#2889 Thirium Pump Regulator Damaged

'There are no files or records of it being manufactured by CyberLife' As I finished analyzing it I opened the files, I saw the android glance over at the files and be gain the tense up as it quickly looked away.


48% : TOO HIGH

"Everything is alright, nobody is gonna hurt you, you just need to tell me the truth about everything I ask, ok" She seemed to calm down a bit but it's still avoiding eye contact. "You're a bit damaged, did your owner do that to you?" It nodded its head but nothing changed with the stress levels.

"Do you mind telling me your name" "Y-y/n"


44% : TOO HIGH

"Well my name is Connor, I just want to help you get out of this situation but I can't do it if you stay quiet." The android e/c slowly made contact with mine 'She must have been crying before I came in' "If you tell me about the murder I'll tell CyberLife not to deactivate you, I promise" It's head shot up then back down at the last two words I spoke.



"I was a wedding gift..."


(1053 Words)

I Promise (!!Pacifist!! DBH X Reader) BEING REWRITEWhere stories live. Discover now