Chapter 11

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"rA9, do you know how far the church." I started giggling as we walked "What's so funny?' Kara said slowing down "haha, you don't have to call me rA9, just call me by my name. But we are actually already here," We walked up a set of stairs. As we opened the doors everyone quickly turned their heads. 'Everyone must still be in shock' a sigh escaped my mouth as I started walking down the aisle.

Once Kara and Alice sat down I saw Markus talking to someone that I couldn't recognize, As I walked up to him I quickly pulled out my gun 'Connor?!' I could feel my face heating up with anger. Markus quickly turned around "Wait! Y/n he's one of us!" I looked at Markus then back at Connor.

"How is he one of us if he's helping the humans, he was probably the reason Jericho is no more!" Markus walked in between me and Connor. "If he isn't one of us, Why is he willing to infiltrate Cyberlife assembly plant to free more of our people." I lowered my gun confusion "Wait if he does...that's a suicide mission."

"That's exactly what I said." We both turned to Connor "They trust me, they'll let me in if anyone has a chance of infiltrating CyberLife, it's me." Markus interrupted "If you go, they will kill you." I quickly thought about it "Markus he's right." I walked over to Connor "Since you're deviant, you're due for deactivation there, right?" He nodded.

"There is a high probability, but statistically speaking, there's always a chance for unlikely events to take place." Markus places his hand on Connor's shoulder. "Be careful" Once it became silent I began to walk away "Y/n." I spun on my heel "What?" I knew what he wanted me to say, I sighed "Fine, I'm sorry for pulling a gun on you Connor, and~ don't get yourself killed." They both started to chuckle until I turned around. 'I thought being an adult earns you respect'

I sat down next to Kara "I have a surprise for you two" Kara and Alice turned to me as I grabbed two bus tickets "Y/n!" Kara said shocked "I'll walk you two halfway to the bus terminal, ok" they both smiled as I stood up walking towards Markus "Hey, I will be walking Kara and Alice over to where the border buses are."

"Ok, are you going to be back in time for the revolution?" I crossed my arms "Well it's 10:15 pm now it will take me about 20 minutes to walk them halfway and 15 minutes to make it downtown." I saw north walking up to us "Markus,y/n you two should speak to our people about our decision." I was confused but agreed.

Me and Markus walked up to the platform in front of our people. "Humans have decided to exterminate us. Our people are packed in camps right now, being destroyed, the time has come to make a choice" I continued "One that very well may determine the future of our people." Everything is quiet as Markus and I decided.

Me and Markus made eye contact I nodded my head knowing what he'll pick "I know, I know you're all angry, and I know you wanna fight back. But I assure you that violence is not the answer here, we are going to tell them peacefully that we want justice." I stepped forward a bit "If there's any humanity in them, they will listen, and if not others will take our place and continue fighting our battle, now it's time for you all to decide." "Are you ready to follow us?" there was silence as the cheering became louder.

"MARKUS!" "RA9!" those words rang through the church as Markus and I walked off the platform. Began walking over to Kara and Alice as I felt Markus grab my shoulder and pulled me into a hug. "Be careful, alright."

I broke the hug and smiled "I will." I walked over to Kara and Alice "Let's go." they both stood up as we walked towards the entrance.


As Kara, Alice, and I was walking down the road I noticed that they both slowed down "Alice are you alright?" I turned to Alice seeing her shivering a bit "I...I'm... I'm really cold..." "Kara, you need to keep her Hot and Cold sensitivity on," I said Kara looked at me confused "Why?" "it'll be useful once you two get to the terminal." We all continued. I saw Kara's gaze look over at two dead androids "It's disgusting to see what humans are doing to us, their minds are filled with violence." I said as I picked up the gun laying on the ground "Here if going to the terminal goes south you can at least defend yourself," I said handing Kara the gun.

We were turning the corner until we saw an army truck turned a corner as well, I warned them as we took cover behind a wall. "No, please don't hurt me-" an android was pleading to two officers pointing guns at them. "What are we going to do" Alice looked at me "You two need to keep going to catch that bus," I said Kara kneeled to Alice "Stay close to one of us, we're going to sneak past them without being noticed. We're going to make I Alice I promise you," As Kara stood she looked at me showing that they're ready.

As We were hiding behind each car the androids were pleading for their life I couldn't stand it "Kara, you two continue hiding I'm going to help those androids." Kara seemed to hesitate until I stood up shooting at the two officers then hiding once again. The shots attracted more officers giving Kara and Alice and other androids a window of time to escape. I got out of the area 'Kara keep Alice safe and be careful' I said 'Save our people Y/n' she told me as I ran out of the area.

Once I stopped running I started to hear someone creep up on me. I quickly turned around pointing my gun but whoever it is was fast enough to pin me to the ground. I tried to loosen the person's grip but failed "Stop moving y/n." 'that voice sounds familiar' I couldn't see the person's face clearly because of their hoodie. "Who are you?!" "It is you y/n, you're model number, your name, and your voice sounds older I'll enjoy this." I could barely see a wide smile on their face as he removed his hoodie.


(A/T: OOOOO I can't wait to make the last chapter, but whose ready for the revolution 🙋‍♀️💙. And I wanted to tell everyone that my next book will be a fanfiction xreader for Beyond Two Souls that was made by the same people who made Detroit Become Human, I JUST CAN'T WAIT 💙💙💙. Anyways PLEASE VOTE AND COMMENT IF YOU WANT THIS STORY TO CONTINUE LOVE YA!!!)

(1179 words)

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