CHAPTER 2 Kara & Alice

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#2889 thirium pump regulator damaged


*Sigh* I keep seeing that warning ever since I left, the cloth Dad put around my waist slowed the bleeding but not for long, I almost started crying again but wiped my tears. But now it's slowly starting to hurt and the cloth is getting drenched with thirium, it's starting to make a wet spot on my hoodie too, the cold isn't helping either. I was approaching a bus stop when I saw a little girl and an android running to the bus stop.

I saw a scruffy-looking man peering through the doorway we made eye contact just until I realized that the bus was getting ready to leave quickly, so I speed up my pace and made it just before the door closed. I sat in a seat beside them and quickly scanned them.


Model: AX400

Release Date: 2032

Owner: Todd Williams

Function: A domestic worker, housekeeper, and caretaker of young children

'Oh she's a housemaid, is that why she has a child with her? Is she a deviant'

I analyzed the little girl next to her.


Model: YK500

Release Date: 2033

Owner: Todd Williams

'Wow I thought she was human she must have removed her LED '

After I left my mind palace I started to stare at the blue blood, getting tenser and tenser. "Excuse me but, are you ok?" I looked up quickly my (e/c) meeting a pair of blue eyes "Y-yes I am, I'm sorry." I started looking down again. "What's your name," she said trying to wipe off the blood with a slight smile knowing I was shocked seeing it. I kept quiet 'What If someone goes through her memory' "It's ok you don't have to tell us but I'm Kara and this is Alice" I smiled and looked down once again. It was quiet for a few minutes.

"So are you both deviants," I asked she looked at me and then at Alice "I am but she's human" 'should I tell her?' "Where are your parents? Are you lost?" she asked "N-no I'm not" I got nervous for a second, luckily I never had a LED.

But out of nervousness, I was looking around trying to not make eye contact until I looked up at the small tv on the roof of the bus.

"Breaking News"

"This just in: A murder has been reported to the Detroit Police Department of a woman and her ex-husband by the name Rebecca Miller has been shot and killed by her ex-husband in her apartment building, but when the police arrived they only saw that Rebecca 17-year-old son Michael Miller was the only one alive at the scene and then quickly taken into custody."

 "The Detroit Police Department was able to uncover that the Millers own a ZK700 which wasn't there at the murder scene. The 17-year-old son of Rebecca Miller informed us that it wasn't his father but the android to killed his mother, So as far as we know this android has also been the cause of this unfortunate death and is now a danger to civilians."

 "But there seems to be no file or evidence of this android ever being made by Cyberlife. We asked that if you ever see an unclaimed child android you contact Detroit Police Department as soon as possible. We will inform you as this investigation goes on."

I was sitting there in shock 'If Michael keeps telling lies the entirety of Detroit will be looking for me'

I kept spacing out the whole bus ride, I soon started to feel tired so I started to close my eyes until I heard "Alright, End of the line" I jumped and look at the man that was walking towards us. then Kara spoke.

"End of the line?"

"Yeah you three are gonna have to leave," He said as I started standing up

Kara turned around to wake Alice up, I started walking up to the front with Kara and Alice behind me. "Do you know if there's any other place we could spend the night?" Kara said with a worried tone "I have no idea, but you have to leave," the man said I looked up at the bus location *********Ave You looked it up and saw all the buildings in the area.

All three of us got off and the bus, as it drove away we stood there in silence.

"Kara there are two places you can stay in tonight, is that motel or maybe even that abandoned house!" I said pointing at the buildings. "Ok- wait how do you know that?" she said confused "U-um I've been here before."

"Oh ok, but what about you? Everything is closed and it's gonna rain soon." I was trying to think"You should just stay with us," she tried to convince me "o-ok, I will stay with you both".

Alice and I started walking over to the bus stop bench "You both gonna be ok?" I didn't respond I just stared at my shut-down timer.


#2889 thirium pump regulator punctured


'I don't wanna shut down' I felt tears come up but it mixed with the ran

"We'll see if we can spend the night at one of these places"

As Kara went to the motel to see if she needs money or not, Alice and I were sitting on the bus stop seat shivering like crazy "w-when are you gonna tell her?" she looked at me confused "When are you gonna tell her that your an android" Her eyes widened then she looked away. "I-I'm sorry I didn't mean to make you unfordable-" 

"Well it seems like the motel is not an option anymore" "Well I guess the abandoned house is our only option-" Kara paused and kneeled to our level.

"Alice, Y/n you both are freezing cold!" she placed her hand on our forehead. "I-I'm okay. I'm not so cold" "Y-yeah we're o-ok Kara" I tried to smile but the pain of my thirium pump made me grab my side.

"Y/n are you ok?" she bent over and tried to grab my side but I quickly hit her hand "I-I'm fine, s-sorry" she looked at me confused. "You look lost" all of us look aside to see who the voice is coming from. It was a WR600 mostly known to do outside work but this one seems to be a garbage worker.

"We have nowhere to go..."

"I know someone who can help you."

He handed out his arm to transfer the info to Kara, her synthetic skin was retrieved, and both of their LED turned yellow. 

'This android is confusing he doesn't seem deviant but he is helping us out. I have a bad feeling about this' I shrugged it off he then let go but Kara is still processing the info. Before he left I stood up and grabbed his arm trying to get the info but as my skin pulled back, somehow I transferred some unknown code. His LED turned yellow once again but I let go before Kara could see as he left he spoke to me through his LED 'Thankyou'


(1240 Words)

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