Chapter 4 Meeting You

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(A/T: Sorry if my chapters are short, It's my first book ok...ᵇᵃᵏᵃ...)

Once again I'm stuck in the rain, I didn't even realize how long I was walking until I made it to one of Detroit's subway stations, 'it's 4:00 pm I've been walking for about six hours' I chose to take a nap here since I still need rest even though I'm an android. As I was calibrating or you can call it 'napping', I heard one of the subways pull-up but I stayed still.


I just got off the subway thinking back to the android at the junkyard it told be to find Jericho then transmitted some code before it shut down, I held up my hand revealing a small symbol it seems to be like a puzzle, with symbols somewhere around here. As I was walking away from the subway station saw a little girl sleeping on one of the stops seats. I had a feeling that I should probably check on her.

"Hi little one, are you lost?" She shot up really quickly.

"N-No sir" she responded really quickly.

"Then where are your parents?"

She looks at me with tears building up in her eyes but none seem to fall.

"Well it's getting cold out here, you'll be safer with me"


He held out his hand for me to take, I started to deny it but soon gave in. Once I grabbed his hand I felt oddly safe, that one feeling I haven't felt in a while, As we started our walk he kept looking at the pictures appearing on his hand, So I took this time to scan him.


Model: RK200

Release Date: 2032

Owner: Carl Manfred... ᴹʸ ᴳᵒᵈ

Function: A domestic worker

'Ok he's an android but I can't tell him I'm one, I just can't risk it' I thought to my self we seemed to make it to some fence I'm guessing leading to some courtyard, Markus pulled up the corner of it and got us through with no one noticing us. Once we walked through we were in the middle of the courtyard. "It looks like it's a dead-end." He looked up and around almost like he's looking for something.

He kneeled down to me, "Y/n, I'm going to climb up to that ledge and pull down that ladder so you can climb up, ok?" I nodded my head and he turned around. I stood back a bit not wanting to get in his way, as I was watching him jump and climb up the other ledges I was in awe "wow" I whispered to myself, he looked back at me and smiled, and pushed the ladder down the for me.

We continued walking until we made it to some parking garage-looking place, while he was looking around I stumbled upon a deactivated android like I literally tripped over its legs which made my time go down a couple of hours.


#2889 thirium pump regulator punctured


I tried wiping some of the blue blood off my f/c sweater realizing that I don't have my hoodie *sigh* "Are you ok?" I jumped as he looked down at the android "Y-Your kind shouldn't be treated like this it's wrong" I looked back at Markus "I wish every human thought the same" he kept staring that the android.

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