Chapter 6

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After Markus and the others left Jericho I've been using my diagnostic system on other androids to see what bio components they needed if Markus and the others get back,*Sigh* I hate to think about what would happen if they didn't most of the androids are on the verge of shutting down for good. As I was walking around there was one android that stood out to me sadly I couldn't scan. She then struggled to look down at me.

"I've heard humans are afraid of dying too" I could feel my heart sink in the feeling of sadness."...Do you know what happens after death little one?" "N-no sorry I don't but I do know is that no one and nothing will hurt you anymore," I said looking down sorrow "Well I'm about to find out, I hope I'll a wonderful place," she said smiling at me "What's your name?" "Y/n." she then held my hand pulling back my synthetic skin "Thank you for saving our people, rA9" "W-what do you mean" she looked at me one more time before she shut down. "Please! I need to know" I started to feel that same feeling again 'I'm scared, How am I suppose to save out people'.

I was still looking at her until I heard the doors of Jericho open. "A truckload!" I quickly ran to the middle of the room and hugged Markus "Your back!" "Yep I'm back," he said looking down at me. North looked at me with a confused look I already knew she despised me because she thinks I'm 'human'.

"We have bio components for everybody!" Josh said in excitement "We couldn't have done it without Markus" North gave the attention to Markus.

"I came to Jericho androids are free...Free to live in the dark, hoping that no one will find us. Free to die in silence waiting for a change that's never gonna come. But I don't want that freedom, And I'm not going to beg for the right to smile, or love, or stand tall, I don't know about you, but there's something inside me that knows that I'm more than what they say. I'm Alive, and they're not gonna take that from me anymore. Our days of slavery are over. What humans don't want to hear, we'll tell them. What humans don't want to give we'll take. We are people, we are alive, WE ARE FREE!"

After that speech, so many of us were inspired and ready for the fight against the humans "You did Markus they admire you." I said. After awhile of our people cheering my vision started to turn red until a wall appeared in front of me, rA9 was plastered all over it I felt an urge to touch and as I did it started to crack, I kept pulling and pushing the wall until it shattered into pieces. I felt so different for some reason as I looked up I saw an adjective appears in the corner of my eye


Meet your creator

Claim your new body

'W-what claim my new body?' as I was thinking I started to hear the cheering going down which brought my attention back, I sometimes forget that while I'm in the mind palace time stops, but after it got quiet everyone went back to where they were previously.

'My creator?...Kamski?'


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I quickly woke up 'W-was I dreaming no! that was a nightmare?' "Are you ok y/n?" Lucy looked at me as I was trying to comprehend what just happened "L-lucy I have a question, are androids able to dream?" "From my knowledge, even though we can maintain memories we can not dream. Did you just have one?" "Y-yes ever since I killed my owner it's been happening more and more often a-and I'm scared. So many of our kind is depending on me and Markus to save them but I don't know how I'm just a kid-" "You suppose to be meeting the creator of all androids, and suppose to get a new body am I correct?" I sat there in shock "Y-yes but how-" "You will have an opportunity to meet him, you have to go with Markus on his next mission right now" I thanked her and looked for Markus.

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