Muhammad's Era ( 570 - 632 ) [ L 2 ]

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After Muhammad began preaching the message of Islam , members of the other Quraishite clans increasingly came to feel threatened by Muhammad . In attempts to quiet him , the would lean on Abu Talib to silence his nephew or control him . Despite these pressures, Abu Talib did nothing but support Muhammad & defend him from other heads of Quraish . Nine years into Muhammad's claim to prophethood , two of the most committed defenders of Muhammad's message , his wife Khadija & his uncle Abu Talib , died . With the death of Abu talib , the leadership of the clan of Banu Hashim was passed to another uncle of Muhammad , Abu Lahab , an inveterate enemy of Muhammad & Islam . Abu lahab soon withdrew the clan's protection from Muhammad, placing Muhammad in mortal danger since the withdrawal of clan protection implied that the blood revenge for killing would not be exacted . As Islam spread in Mecca , the ruling tribes began to oppose Muhammad's preaching & his condemnation of idolatry . The Quraish tribe controlled the Kaaba & drew their religious & political power from its polytheistic shrines , so they began to persecute the Muslims & many of Muhammad's follower became martyrs .

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