Hijra { Islam } [ L3 ]

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Hijra or withdrawal, is the word that is used for the movement of Muhammad & most of his followers from Mecca to Medina in 622 . The Hijra was also the beginning of Islamic calendar .
In the 11th year of prophethood , six pilgrims from tribe of Khazraj in Yathrib ( Medina ) came to Mecca . The prophet called them to Islam & embraced faith .
< 1 pledge of Al- Aqabah >
Next year 12 people from yathrib ( Medina ) met the prophet at Aqabah ( Palestinian village ) , near mecca & accepted faith , agreed to abstain from idol worship , cruelty & false hood , lead a righteous life & believe in one God .
< Second pledge of Al- Aqabah >
In the 13th year of prophethood , a delegation consisting of about 70 people including women came from yathrib (Medina) to take same pledge which was now 2nd pledge of Al - Aqabah . They also invited the prophet to Yathrib ( Medina ) & pledged full support for him & his followers & also invited him to come to Yathrib ( medina ) as their leader .

After the second pledge of Al- Aqabah ( June 622 ) & in less than 3 months , most of the companions of prophet (s) emigrated to Yathrib ( Medina ) , heads of Quraysh tribe realised that Yathrib ( Medina ) has become a base for prophet & his followers, & the people of Medina are ready to defend Muslims , so they feared the emigration of prophet . They held a meeting in Dar al-Nadwa . It is reported that when they were entering the place , there was an old man by the door , he said ,"let him in " , they said : ' who are you ? ' , he said : ' I am from Mudar tribe & I have an opinion for you ' . Then they entered & began to talk , someone proposed to expel the prophet, the old man said " it's not good , if you expel him he will gain followers & attack you " . Some one proposed to imprison the prophet, old man said " it's not good , if you do this , as Muhammad is a good orator , he will gradually attracts your children & slaves to himself " . Finally, they decided to choose one man from each tribe & they kill the prophet altogether, so Banu Hashim could not fight all of the tribes , the old man said " this is the correct opinion " .


ALLAH informed his Prophet (s) about the assassination plan . The verse 30 of Quran 8:30 is narrated to be revealed then .

" When the faithless plotted against you to take hu captive, or to kill you or expel you . They plotted and ALLAH devised , & ALLAH is the best of devisers " .

So , on Thursday night { sep 13, 622 } the prophet left Mecca & Imam Ali slept in the bed of prophet , so the assassins will not realize the emigration of Prophet & not chase him , the night is called " laylat al - mabit " .

The verse 2:207 of Quran is revealed about the sacrifice of Imam Ali for saving life of prophet .
" And among the people is he who sells his soul ( life ) seeking the pleasure of ALLAH , & ALLAH is most kind to [ His ] servants . "

* In Al - Thawr cave *
The prophet headed to Al thawr cave & took Abu Bakr ( one of his companion ) with him . The following verse is revealed about the event :

" If you do not help him , then ALLAH has already helped him when the faithless expelled him , as one of two ( refugees ) , when the two of them were in the cave , he said to his companion , ' do not grieve ; ALLAH is indeed with us ' . Then ALLAH sent down his composure upon him , & strengthened him with hosts you did not see , & he made the word of faithless the lowest ; & the word of ALLAH is the highest; & ALLAH is all - mighty , all wise . "
{ QURAN , 9:40 }

They stayed there for three days so the polytheist chasers cannot find them . After that they headed to Yathrib ( Medina ) .
When Quraysh failed on their plan for assassinating the prophet , tried hard to find him . They hired skill full chasers to trace him , they followed the footprints till they reached the front of Al thawr cave . A spider had spun a web over the entrance of cave by God's will . One of them said : they did not entered the cave because the web is untouched, weather they are rose to sky or they went down to the earth ! So they returned in despair .

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