Life after death of Prophet Muhammad (saw ) [ L19 ]

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Fadak was a garden oasis in Khaybar, a tract of land in northern Arabia; it is now part of Saudi Arabia. Situated approximately 140 km (87 mi)) from Medina, Fadak was known for its water wells, dates, and handicrafts. The Muhammad (saw) had found out that the people of Fadak had collected in order to fight the Muslims alongside the Khaybar Jews. Therefore, he sent Ali to them.The people of Fadak surrendered without a fight, and pleaded for a peace treaty in exchange for giving away half their land and wealth to Muhammad (saw) .

Unlike the ascetic who has renounced the affairs of the world, both the historical and hagiographical sources about Fatima al-Zahra document her active participation in domestic and public life. One particular event is recounted in all of the histories the dispute over the land Fatima received from her father at Fadak...her knowledge of her legal rights and desire for justice indicate that she was a woman involved in the affairs of society".
After the death of her father, Fatimah (sa) approached first Khalifa and asked him to relinquish her share of the inheritance from Muhammad's (saw) estate. Fatimah (sa) expected the land of Fadak (situated 30 mi (48 km) from Medina and a share of Khaybar would be passed onto her as part of her inheritance. However, First Khalifa rejected her request & said prove me that the property of Prophet Muhammad (saw) belongs to you , when Fatima (sa) showed him the documents of property , he ( first Khalifa ) tore up all the documents & said now where is the proof ? After this , Lady Fatima (sa) saw him with tears eyes & full of anger & said nothing , as she was already in grief following her father's death . Everyone forgot the respect towards the daughter of Prophet Muhammad (saw) . Everyone forgot the narration of prophet in which he said " Fatima is part of me , whatever upsets her upsets me , & what ever harms her harms me " . Fatima (sa) was the one for whom Prophet used to give respect by standing up whenever she entered the room of her father , while the people treated with her just opposite after the death of Prophet Muhammad (saw) . Fatima (sa) was upset at this flat refusal by First Khalifa and did not speak to him until her death .

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