Imam Ali's (as) Noble behave towards enemies [L27]

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I have cited below few cases which go to show what type of man was Imam Ali (a). He was as Pool says: "Truly a noble man, a man of righteousness and a man of brave, humble and forgiving spirit", and as Oelsner says: "Pure, gentle and learned, without fear and without reproach, setting the nobles example of character to the world". Out of hundreds and hundreds of cases to select I find it rather difficult which to choose and which not to choose. I have selected a few according to the standard of my knowledge and visualization."

1.) Talha ibn Abi Talha was not only a bitter enemy of Islam, but was also hostile towards the Holy Prophet (s) and Imam Ali (a). His exertions to harm these two and their mission is a historical fact. In the Battle of Uhud, he was the standard-bearer of the army of Quraish. Ali (a) faced him and in a hand to hand encounter, dealt him such a severe blow that he reeled and fell down. Imam Ali left him like that and walked away from him. Many Muslim warriors ran up to Ali and advised him to finish Talha, saying that he was Ali's worst enemy. Ali replied: "Enemy or no enemy, he can't defend himself now, and I cannot strike a man who is not in a position to defend himself. If he survives he is welcome to live as long as his life lasts"

2). In the Battle of Jamal, in the thick of the encounter his slave Qambar brought some soft drink saying, "My master! The sun is very hot and you have been constantly fighting, have a glass of this cold drink to refresh yourself". He looked around himself and replied: "Shall I refresh myself when hundreds of people around me are lying wounded and dying of thirst and wounds? Instead of brining soft drink for me take a few men with you and give each of these wounded persons a soft drink". Qambar replied: "My master! They are all our enemies!" He said: "They may be, but their are human beings, go and attend to them."

3.) In the Battle of Siffin, Muawiyah reached the river Euphrates before the army of Imam Ali (a) and took position of the river. When Imam Ali's army reached there, he was informed that they would not be allowed a drop of water from the river. Imam Ali (a) sent a messenger to Muawiyah, saying that this action was against the canons of humanity and orders of Islam. Muawiyah's reply was that, "A war is a war, hence one cannot accept principles of humanity and doctrines of Islam. My sole aim is to kill Ali (a) and to demoralize his army and this stoppage of water will bring about these results quickly and easily". Imam Ali (a) ordered his son, Husain (a), to resume the attack and get back the river. The attack took place and the river was captured. It was then Muawiyah's turn to beseech permission to get water from the river. His messengers arrived and Imam Ali (a) told them to take as much water as they liked and as often as they required. When Imam's officers told him that those were the very people who had refused water to them, should they be allowed a free run of the river? He replied, "They are human beings and though have acted inhumanly, yet I cannot follow their example and cannot refuse a man food and drink just because he happens to be my sworn enemy!"

4). In the Battle of Naharwan, Imam Ali (a) himself was fighting like any other ordinary soldier. During this battle, a man came to face him and in the encounter lost his sword. He realized his hopeless plight of standing before Ali without any weapon in hand. Ali's hand was raised for a blow when he saw the opponent trembling with fear, he lowered his hand slowly and said: "Run away, friend, you are not in a position to defend yourself". This attitude made the man bold and he said: " Ali! Why don't you kill me, it would have made one enemy less for you". Ali replied, "I cannot strike a man, who cannot defend himself. You were begging for your life and it was spared". The opponent got bolder, and said, " I am told that you have never refused a beggar. Now I beg you of your sword, will you grant it to me?" Ali handed him over the sword! Taking possession of the sword he said: "Now Ali! Who is going to defend you against me and save you from my killing-blow?" He replied: "Of course Allah will defend me if He so wills! He has appointed my death to be my guarding angel, no one can harm me before it is due and no one can save me when it arrives". Nobility of though and action affected the foe and he kissed the bridle of Ali's horse and said: "O master! You are a great man indeed! You cannot only forsake the life of your enemy in a battlefield but also you can grant him your sword. May I have the honour to act as your body guard and to fight for you? Imam Ali replied: "Friend! Fight for truth and justice and don't fight for individuals!"

5).During 39 and 40 A.H., Muawiyah, organized bands of murderers and brigands to enter the border-towns and to carry on loot, plunder, arson and rape. Kumail was at that time the Governor of Hiyat. He asked Imam's permission to organize similar bands and carry plunder in the province of Qirqisya, which was under the control of Muawiyah. Imam Ali (a) replied to him: "I never expected such a suggestion from a man like you. It is more noble and more moral to guard your people and province then to plunder others. They might be our enemies but they are human beings. They consist of civilian population comprising of women and children, how can one kill, loot and plunder them?? No, never! Don't even dream of such a venture!" (See Nahjul Balagha, Letter 61)

6).It was the month of Ramazan, the month of fasting. It was the time of the morning prayers. Masjid Kufa was overcrowded. Imam Ali (a) was kneeling down before Allah and when he raised his head, a terrible blow fell upon it making a very deep cut. There was a great disturbance and commotion in the masjid. The assassin ran for his escape. The Muslims chased him and brought him before Imam Ali (A)S who was on the prayer carpet that was soaked in blood and he was reclining upon his sons. He knew the blow was fatal and that he would not survive it but when the assassin was brought before him, he saw that the rope which had bound him was so tightly tied that it was piercing in to his flesh. Imam Ali (a) turned towards the Muslims and said: "You should not be so cruel with your fellow-beings, slacken his ropes, don't you see that they are cutting his flesh and he is in agony?" Such was Ali! History is replete with incidents of his chivalrous and kind treatment towards his enemies

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