Chapter 11.

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May 28th, 2018. Fifteen days after Harry Styles had been attacked and stolen of his first place at regionals, and his left leg.

But today Harry starts his actual training again. Getting back into the ocean, on his practice board. Stitches out, scar almost fully healed, and by now used to the prosthetic leg Harry would use, for the rest of his life.

In fifteen days, on Monday June 12th the Clearwater Bay Regional Championship would be held for the second time this season.

Harry needed this. It's his one shot at redemption before he can even attempt Nationals. The thought of never surfing again frightens Harry more than anything.

Zayn looked up from waxing his board. "Aren't you scared?"

Harry stopped admiring his board and looked at Zayn before smiling a little. "I'm more scared of not getting back in the water. Of not trying." Harry sounded determined, and he was.

Zayn was thinking. Thinking of all the things that could go wrong. All the thing that could happen to Harry. And he wanted none of that.

Harry slowly stood up and walked carefully closer to Zayn, holding his hand out and looking down at him. Zayn stared at the hand for a while before sliding his own into Harry's, and standing up.

Harry slowly ran his thumb over Zayn's knuckles. "It's gonna be ok, Z." And Zayn knew this now. Because he was standing in front of Harry Styles, most amazing person he's ever met. A person that can do anything and everything.

Zayn shut his eyes for a moment to stop the tears from falling, and then grabs Harry's other hand so he's holding both. "You're so strong, Harry. Don't ever forget that."

"You don't have to do that, you know." Harry sighed with content and smiled wide.

"Do what?" Zayn smiles back because when Harry Styles is looking into your eyes and smiling at you, you have to smile back. You can't help it.

"Give me butterflies." Harry whispered to himself so Zayn didn't here.

"Hm?" He didn't hear.

Harry's smile dropped a little. "Give me special treatment. Compliments. I'm fine, Z." Harry's smile picked up again. "I'm the same me I have always been. Nothing more than my daily routine has changed."

Zayn nodded and then let go of Harry's hands to get his board. "Alright then, Mr. Unstoppable." Zayn smiles and Harry picked up his board. "You ready?"

"Always." And they were off.

Off to the one thing that calmed Harry and Zayn's nerves. Their ultimate comfort. The deep blue and the steep waves.

Harry knew things wouldn't be easy. But he never thought things would get this bad. He had tried catching a wave twenty seven different times, and fell every time.

He has done this before, and he didn't know what was different. What was wrong?

"You're getting nervous. I can see it in your eyes that you're psyching yourself out." Zayn said. Harry took a second and groaned in frustration, throwing his head back and shutting his eyes.

"You know I'm right." Zayn teased with a smile and a shoulder shrug. Harry looked at Zayn before dipping his hand in the ocean and flicking it at him.

Zayn gasped and then paddled away after kicking the water by his feet to splash Harry. He heard Harry yell and laughed loudly.

"Idiot." Harry said shaking his head and smiling fondly at the adorable boy.

Emerging from the water after falling for the twenty eighth time, Harry coughed a little and hopped on his board, only to lay down on it. "Stupid leg." He whispered. He didn't want to give up, but this was all too tiring.

Zayn, on the other hand, completely wiped out riding the wave he just caught. He had saw Harry lay down, and it brought back memories. All too scary memories.

And when he caught a glimpse of Harry laying down to rest, his mind flashed and he saw red, everywhere.

When he emerged from the water he started violently coughing and spitting out water. Zayn was gasping for air having inhaled, what felt like half the ocean, when he wiped out.

Harry heard this and sat up, quickly examining all around him until him eyes landed on Zayn. "Z?" He paddles over to Zayn and dragged his board over to him. "Are you ok? What happened?"

Zayn just nodded his head, still coughing as he pulled and pushed himself onto his board and sitting there for a second. "I'm ok." He said breathlessly although his throat was scratchy.

"Um, no offense but you don't look ok." Harry said. He got worried. He also got goosebumps as Zayn's hand brushed against Harry's side when he was getting on his board.

"I am. I am I just, fell." Zayn stammered. Still in shock at what he though was going to happen. He though he was going to drown. To die.

Before Zayn had hit the water, he slipped on his board and hit his knee on the side of it. And it hurt. But he didn't say anything. He wouldn't.

Zayn felt selfish. He as of he was taking the attention and care away from Harry. Because Harry had lost his leg, and Zayn had only hurt his knee.

It was as if Zayn though of himself as of less importance than Harry. Maybe he was just overreacting. So he told himself that it didn't hurt and bad as he thought.

Zayn winced when he moved his legs to lay on his belly, and this didn't go unnoticed. "Zayn." Firm, commanding tone. Zayn looked at Harry. "Are you hurt?" Softer, comforting tone.

Zayn waited a second before answering and avoiding eye contact. "I'm ok, Harry." Lies. "We should go in, sun is setting and we need sleep." He said.

Harry lay on his belly and looked at Zayn. "Why?" He was referring to the 'sleep' part.

"Because," Zayn paused. "We have training tomorrow." He smiled and Harry of course, returned it.

They paddle battled in until the couldn't anymore and had to stand. Having not used his legs in a while, Harry wobbled a bit against the small waves in the knee deep water.

He caught his balance at first but when it happened a second time, he started to fall. He knew it would be quick so he didn't attempt to catch himself. But Zayn did.

Quickly reacting, Zayn jumped in front of Harry to catch him, wrapping his arms around Harry's torso, before he hit the water. To hold his own balance, Zayn had to pull Harry up which resulted in them ending chest to chest and face to face.

Very close. Frozen in the position, the two boys just stared at each other. Gold met Emerald, and the world around them blurred.

In fact they were so close that if they moved even in the slightest, their lips could maybe-possibly-almost absolutely-kind of hopefully-probably, touch. And they didn't know what the hell to do now.

But the saying goes, 'Trust your instincts'.

So he does.

So Zayn takes that, maybe-possibly-almost absolutely-kind of hopefully-probably, chance and closes the space between his and Harry's lips.

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