Chapter 2.

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"Hurry your skinny ass up, Haz!" Zayn shouted down the hall. Harry stuck his head out of the doorway of his room and smiled widely, making Zayn smile back.

"I'm naked!" He yelled quickly, still smiling. Zayn threw his head back and laughed loudly before shaking his head and walking to the kitchen, telling his mom their plans.

Harry came running into the kitchen with his board under his arm, not stopping as he grabs Zayn's with his free hand and pulling them towards the glass doors leading to the back years. To the ocean.

"Z, let's go!" Harry yelled. Zayn let out a puff of air as he was dragged through the kitchen, turning his head back and yelling a quick, "Bye Mom!"

The boys dove into the deep blue, holding their breath and they duck-dive under waves too small or to close to catch. Paddling further out, closer to the waves, they both rode for about 2 hours.

They sit out in the ocean, waiting for a wave big enough to train on even if they didn't need it.

"Mom was telling me we have to go to bed 'early' tonight." Zayn said with an amused smile on his face.

Harry laughed. "So you think you'll place?" He asked, turning his board a little to face Zayn.

"Don't know. It's a big day for you tomorrow, Haz." Zayn responded, facing Harry and smiling a little.

"It's a big day for us, Zayn." Harry said.

"Yeah, sure." Zayn whispered looking down. Harry sighed and looked down at his hands tracing the native patterns on his board.

It wasn't always like this. Zayn didn't always doubt himself. He didn't always get so nervous competing. And Harry was starting to think it was his fault. Harry has trained a lot more than Zayn has after his mother passed away.

"Z!" Harry yelled, smiling at Zayn because he knew Zayn would return it, and he did. "You're gonna crush it Zaynie, promise." Harry said, holding up his crosses fingers and they both laughed at his goofyness.

He wasn't saying that he was better than Zayn, because he truly didn't think he was. He thinks they are 100% equally as good. But Zayn has different ideas. It's almost as if; when Harry lost his mom, Zayn lost his confidence.

But Harry believed in Zayn. And he made sure Zayn knew that. And he did know. And because of that, Zayn never had a reason to quit. Zayn doesn't give up, because he knows Harry is there, and always will be.

"Harry?" Zayn asked, looking up and out into the ocean, the sun started to set leaving the sky a beautiful mix of colors consisting of; yellow, orange, pink, and purple.

"Yeah?" Harry said back, looking at Zayn who was still looking at the sky.

"Thank you." Zayn said finally meeting Harry's eyes. Harry just looked at Zayn and smiled at him. The smile was one of adoration, but Zayn didn't know that.

Of course Harry liked Zayn. Who wouldn't? He was absolutely perfect in every way possible. Adorable but handsome, goofy but smart, soft but muscular, stubborn but understanding. And he may get 2nd in competition, but he's always 1st in Harry's eyes.

"Let's call it in, Z." Harry said, turning around and starting to paddle back to shore. "Besides, we have early curfew tonight." Harry smirked and Zayn threw his head back, laughing.

Harry smiles at Zayn's beautiful laugh and they both paddle back to the house, getting ready to go to sleep in their shared room.

After all, tomorrow is the Kauai Clearwater Bay Regionals.

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