Chapter 6.

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Harry's eyes cracked opened, and his hand moved slowly to the bandage, feeling around to make sure what he though happened, was in fact real.

It was very bright where ever he was. Maybe he was dead. Not being sure, he called out.

"Z?" Harry's tired rough voice was heard throughout the occupied bright room.

Zayn's head shot from the hospital bed he was laying against. He had a chair pulled up to the bed as close as possible, with his knees toward Harry, head resting on the bed next to Harry's shoulder, holding Harry's limp left hand in his. "Harry?" He asked, not fully believing he was hearing his voice and seeing his eyed open.

"Zayn." Harry said softly. Smiling a little when Zayn brought their hands to rest on his forehead, signing in relief.

Zayn couldn't help the tears that fell from his tired eyes, onto his red cheeks. He had his head down, with their conjoined hands resting on his forehead, silently thanking God that his beautiful best friend was alive.

Harry squeezed Zayn's, letting him know that he was, in fact, alive. That he was here with him. "Z..." Harry grabbed his attention, and Zayn slowly lifted his head with his eyes meeting Harry's, "Please don't cry," Harry whispered to him, his own tears threatening to spill.

Zayn brought their hands down to rest on the bed again, and slowly moved his thumb over Harry's knuckles to comfort him. "You-" Zayn choked back a sob and then continued, "You scared the hell out of me Haz." He said, laughing lightly.

"Zaynie..." and Zayn smiles at the nickname. "I'm gonna be ok." Harry whispered. And he was going to be ok. Even if things would be different. Even if he has one less leg.

Zayn nodded his head, trying to convince himself and Harry that he agreed. That he believed. And a couple seconds later Zayn realized he did believe. Everything would be ok. "So how are you?" Harry asked.

Zayn looked at the ground, smiles softly and took a couple deep breathes before looking back up into Harry's beautiful green eyes. Zayn started to tear up again, and brokenly said to him, "I thought you were gonna die out there..." and the tears once again, fell.

Harry slowly sat up, still holding Zayn's hand. He turned his head and looked into golden orbs glistening with tears. Harry felt guilty. "I'm right here Zayn. Can't get rid of me that easily." Harry smiles. Zayn laughed out loud, and eventually it made Harry laugh too. "How long was I out?"

"About a whole day. Well, yesterday evening and all morning. It's 5."

Harry nodded his head. "When are you gonna start training again?" Harry asked and Zayn gave him a confused look. "They rescheduled regionals right?" Harry asked.

"Yeah. They did. But...Harry I'm not going." Zayn said. He was honestly confused. Why would Harry want Zayn to go back?

"What!?" Harry exclaimed. "Zayn...are you crazy?" He asked him. Zayn still looked confused so Harry continued, "You can't honestly back out of the competition." He said.

Zayn shook his head at Harry and tried to get him to agree. "Harry, I can't." Zayn stated firmly. Harry have him a look that clearly said 'Why the hell not!?'

"I can't go out there. Not without you, not by myself." Zayn said. It made Harry's heart skip and his breathing pick up.

"Zayn!" Harry said loudly. "This could be your chance to win. You're gonna train for the both of us and by then, you'll be twice as good as you were before. You could win, Z." Harry said softly.

Harry smiles smugly at Zayn and said, "Besides, who says I'm not gonna compete?" Zayn snapped his head up looking shocked at first, then quickly smiled and launched himself at Harry. Throwing his arms around his neck and putting his head in the crook of Harry's collarbone and shoulder, hugging him as tightly as he could without hurting him.

Harry smiles wide, hugging him back and savoring the moment between the two. Harry was going to be ok. They were going to be ok.

The door to the hospital room opened and Harry and Zayn let go of each other. Trisha, Yaser, Doniya, Waliyha, and Safaa all walked into the room.

Trisha and Yaser teared up, Waliyha gasped, Doniya whispered "oh gosh." And Safaa looked up from the ground all noticing Harry was awake. Harry was alive.

"Harry!" Safaa yelled and quickly ran to him, carefully jumping on the bed and throwing her arms around his neck. "You're ok." She whispered relieved. The littlest had been worried sick, and has never stopped crying since the girls had gotten the news.

Doniya and Wailyha ran over to him and hugged him too. Harry closed his eyes as he wrapped his arms around the girls and hugged them back tightly. "I'm ok." He reassured.

They all got off him and Trisha hugged him next, as Yaser took the chair on the other side of Harry and held his other hand. "You had us worried sick out there child." Trisha playfully scolded him, smiling.

"Sorry Ma." Harry whispered with a smile.

"We never doubted you for a second, son. We knew you were strong." Yaser said giving Harry's hand a squeeze. Harry nodded his head.

"I'm glad you're ok, Hazza." Doniya said with a small smile. She has to stay strong for her little sisters, because her parents were a mess. So her emotions we're running wild inside.

Harry looked back over at Zayn to see him already smiling fondly at him."You stayed?" Harry asked.

"Of course I did." Zayn said, as if Harry's question was ridiculous. It was.

"When's the last time you ate something?" Harry asked.

"You're in a hospital bed, and you're worried about me?" Zayn asked playfully. It got a laugh out of Harry but he quickly put on a serious face.

"Really though. When's the last time any of you ate?" He asked, looking around the room.

"Not since before the accident, hun." Trisha said softly.

"We were worried Hazza!" Waliyha said to him, as if Harry would accept the excuse.

"Go eat!" He yelled at then pointing to the door. They all laughed and eventually agreed, walking towards the door. "Zayn. You too." He said.

"They'll bring something back." He promised with a smile. Harry scooted over as far as he could and patted the spot next to him, signaling Zayn to lay also.

Zayn looked at him. Almost like he was scared. Harry hated that. He hates that Zayn looked scared to touch him, scared to be close to him. He was still him.

"You won't hurt me, Zayn." Harry whispered, grabbing Zayn's had and pulling him towards the bed. Zayn lay next to Harry, getting comfortable before laying his head on Harry's shoulder.

Harry rested his head on top of Zayn's and they both let out of deep breaths. "Harry?" Zayn broke the silence.


"What happens next?" Zayn asked softly. Harry sighed and thought for a second before answering.

"Well, thing are gonna be different now. But I'm still the same Harry. The same Harry with one less limb." They chuckled, and cuddled closer as they let sleep claim them.

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