Chapter 18.

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Zayn, Harry, Trisha, Yaser, Safaa, Waliyha, and Doniya went home after regionals.

The whole way home all Zayn and Harry would talk about is preparing for Nationals, which would take place in about a month.

Harry was determined to get back into normal routine of training everyday, and although Zayn felt it could be too much for him, Harry said he would take it easy and start from the beginning. So Zayn agreed.

After the family ate dinner, the two boys were sent off to bed with hugs, kisses, and congrats from everyone.

Zayn was laying on his bed, back against the head board and legs out in front of him, with Harry's head in his lap.

Zayn had one hand running through Harry's hair and Harry played with Zayn's fingers on his other hand. The tv was on low as something played but neither of them payed attention.

They were too busy looking into each other's eyes and admiration one another's beautiful features.

Harry turns his head to look over at the piano they have in their shared room. He silently gets up and sits down at the beach in front of it. He starts to get used the the keys, as he hasn't played in a while.

As he thought of a song to play, he could hear Zayn get up from the bed and walk over to his. Zayn sat down next to Harry on the bench.

"Z?" Harry asked quietly with his head down.

"Yeah, love?" Zayn responded with a small smile.

Harry blushed at the pet name. "Um..."

"You're ok." Zayn said, grabbing one of Harry's hand to reassure.

"Will...will you sing? For me?" He stuttered. Zayn cleared his throat and looked down while running his thumb over Harry's knuckles.

Zayn was hesitant. But then Harry intertwined their fingers and whispers, "Please?"

Zayn smiles at their hands for a seconds before looking at Harry's bright green eyes. "Of course, angel." He said.

Harry giggles. Zayn pulls Harry onto his lap and harry blushes at the movement, but moves his hands back to the piano.

Zayn chuckles at Harry's excitement and asks, "What'll it be, beautiful?"

Harry blushes, probably for the tenth time and thinks. "Hmm." Biting his lip in thought, Zayn stares at him lovingly. "OH!" Harry says loudly.

Zayn raises his eyebrows at Harry's outburst. "Yes?" He says amused.

"You're Gonna Break my Heart Tonight." Harry smiles widely at him.

Zayn can't the help but smile widely back at him and laughs lightly. "You got it, babe." He whispers and Harry starts to play.

Zayn takes a deep breath and Harry smiles looking down at the keys he's playing.

The cab is outside
You've finished your beer
You're saying some sweet lines
That I wanna hear
But it don't take no Einstein to see that it's clear, oh
You're gonna break my heart tonight
You're gonna break my heart tonight

Harry sighs happily and Zayn continues to sing.

The old taxi driver
Looks down to his feet
The audience sit there in silence and
Hold on to their seats
For here comes the punchline
So short and so neat
You're gonna break my heart tonight
You're gonna break my heart tonight

Harry leans back a little to rest against Zayn lightly, which makes Zayn smile.

And girl, that's alright
If you've made up your mind
If I'm too much to swallow
You can't wait 'til tomorrow
I'm right on the edge
Seeing your clothes on the bed
I'll do what I can
To take it like a man, oh

Zayn looks at Harry and admires the way Harry closes his eyes as he plays.

You're gonna, you're gonna, you're gonna
You're gonna break my heart
You're gonna, you're gonna, you're gonna
You're gonna break my heart
You're gonna, you're gonna, you're gonna
You're gonna break my heart

Harry smiles and keeps his eyes closed, as he feels the music and listens to Zayn's voice of an angel. Zayn leans and softly sings the rest in Harry's ear, which makes him giggle.

You're gonna, you're gonna, you're gonna
You're gonna break my heart
You're gonna, you're gonna, you're gonna
You're gonna break my heart.

Zayn kisses Harry's forehead and Harry turns in his lap to sit sideways and look at him to smile.

"Thank you, Zaynie." He whispers, moving his hand to cup Zayn's face and run his thumb over Zayn's cheekbone.

"My pleasure, butterfly." He whispers back, smiling softly.

They both smile and lean to kiss each other. Zayn picks Harry up, one arm under his legs and the other supporting Harry's back. He takes them over the his own bed and lays them down.

Harry with his head on Zayns chest while Zayn runs his hands up and down Harry's arms, with their legs intertwined.

"Now get to bed." Zayn playfully scolds him.

Harry giggled. "Night, Z." He says quietly.

Zayn kisses his forehead which causes Harry to cuddle closer to him. "Goodnight, H." He whispers and allows himself to fall asleep once he hears Harry's breathing even out, but only after saying, "I love you."

When Harry opens his eyes the next morning, the sun is the brightest he's ever waken up to and the air smells like salt. He quickly realized they had left the windows open last night.

As he wakes up a bit more, he realizes that his head is laying on Zayn's chest, the sound of his heartbeat relaxing Harry.

He slowly moves his head to look at Zayn's face, careful not to wake Zayn up. He just takes in all of Zayn's face.

Everything about him was so pure. Almost like an- "Angel." He whispers in his head.

But apparently he said it out loud, because Zayn smiles and opens his eyes as he looks down at Harry.

Harry puts a hand over his mouth, eyes wide with realization as Zayn just laughs at him. He blushes a deep red and Zayn just has his arm wrapped around Harry, up and down Harry's back to relax him.

"Thank you, beautiful." Zayn whispers to him, still smiling. Harry and Zayn sit up to stretch, then just looks into each other's eyes, getting lost in love.

Harry sat there. Broken and bruised but all the more beautiful. He lost a leg, and through the struggles of dealing with that, he gained a love.

A love so beautiful. A love so innocent, despite what happens behind closed doors, a love so fragile yet strong. A love that is pure. Love that keeps him going.

The love of Zayn Malik will always be what Harry needs. It gives him a reason to wake up in the morning. A reason to put on that ridiculously helpful yet, still stupid to him, hunk of metal that he now calls his second leg. A reason to keep taking steps forward no matter how difficult.

Zayn gives him a will to live. And that is worth much more than any look of 'normality' Harry could ever ask for. And he now knows that he has nothing more to ask for. Because he needs nothing more that Zayn.

Zayn may not know much about love, but he knows that Harry is his everything. That Harry is his reason.

He knows that he is so deeply and uncontrollably in love with Harry. And he knows that Harry feels the same about him. Zayn knows that Harry Styles, will forever and always be his one and only.

Sadly, this is the end. I had so much fun writing this story and I just wanna thank you all for the support, I honestly didn't expect it haha. Thank you for reading! There are surly more books to come :)


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