our ancestors are crying

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This was written for my friend with her description and feelings, but me putting it down in writing for her. Love you KB❤️

there are dreams somewhere of hopefulness
like the tragedy was never there
if the tragedy was never there why did my grandfather curse upon his name
why did the ship break the waves of fear in the great free land
i wonder why i didn't get to experience my tragedy
my sorrow is not of my own
i feel the pain of those trapped in the shadows and kept in the dark
i hold their pain upon my back and let it give me the strength to carry on
give me the strength to wear my name not curse it
a survivor in a war i didn't fight
kissed the ground of land i love
land i stand on today and shout the name i wear proud
for those who can say the same
our pasts are filled with fear and loathsome nights of horror
a nightmare come to life
follow me to the world of the strong
we carry the boulders some could not

Hysterical letters to my sanityWhere stories live. Discover now