✮glass half full kinda girl

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I want to read poetry with only happy endings. Watch only the beginning of movies and maybe, sometimes the end.
Only eating corner pieces and never running out of conditioner.
Wearing that skirt your step-mother hates and daring the man at the gas station to try and snatch you up, have him give you an excuse to break something, his or yours,
It doesn't matter...
This poem isn't sad, no, not at all
instead it is inviting,
I invite all the happiness of the world into my heart.
I turn off the news and read love stories where no one dies.
I take pictures of everything so that one day I can look back and see that Joy is an old friend and we must catch up over lunch sometime.
I will chop off all my hair and laugh as it grows, spin plates on sticks and get all my kicks from the cartoons in the paper.
My eyes will sparkle and I will be infinite
In so many more ways than just one

Hysterical letters to my sanityWhere stories live. Discover now