The ending of this battle

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This is not a poem, yes I know!! how atrocious of me!! But it is a very short, short story about a hero and a villains final battle.

"You understand I must kill you dear"
the villain grinned, with a firm grip on the blade they grazed the clammy cheek of the Hero.
He lay there, poisoned blood spreading deep into his organic body, pain slipping ceaselessly in between breaths of air.
"yes, but will you make me one final deal?"
he whimpered,
For so long this Hero acted as though they were indestructible and now comes the time where their body will decay, and here they are bargaining;
the villain could almost laugh at the cruel irony of a good man on his last leg.
"What might that be?"
the question was nearly mocking as he teased the knife against wounds already open and stinging.
"you'll stay with me"
the villains smirk dropped upon these words,
"I'm afraid to die alone!" he pleaded with the figure who's only wish was to defile everything the Hero made pure.
As his breathes began to be laboured, and his eyes fought his mind to shut; the two laid there,
The Villain becoming a good man on both legs and the Hero meeting his maker, blissfully unafraid.

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