We hadn't made it through ten minutes before the questions began.

"So what does your mom do?" Mandy asked me as we were eating.

I tried not to choke on my water as my dad waited patiently for me to explain. I guess my previous answer wasn't thorough enough.

"Well... Her job causes her to do lots of flying," I began again.

Out of the corner of my eye my dad was smiling to himself at my answer.

"So she's out of town a lot then?"

"More like out of the country," I lied partially.

"Neat!" She took another bite of the food, "this food is very delicious."

"I'm glad you like it," he grabbed another roll before taking a bite.

'Please don't ask anymore questions,' I willed silently as she went back to eating.

"Does your mom look like you?" She asked softly.

"Yes, I have the dark hair and eyes from her."

"She sounds beautiful," Mandy blushed as Cale brimmed with pride. He obviously liked this girl, who's to say anyone wouldn't though?

"Does your family live close by?" My dad asked politely while I tried to keep from snapping at him. He didn't know the situation, but I felt bad that she had to explain that.

"I live with my aunt and uncle, but yeah I don't live too far from here," her smile faltered a bit.

He cleared his throat, ready to apologize and feeling slightly uncomfortable for causing an awkward moment.

"You're not the first to ask," she spoke gently to my father.

As soon as dinner finished, I grabbed Mandy's hand gently and showed her around the house. I hadn't expected myself to do it, but it felt natural once I was holding hers within mine. She didn't seem to mind either.

"You have a balcony?" Her eyes lit up when we walked into my room and out towards the wooden platform.

"Mhm, it gives me easier access to climbing onto the roof," I showed her the trellis that was study enough for someone to climb. Obviously I could just levitate up if I wanted too, but Mandy couldn't know that.

"I'm not sure about this Em," she bit her lip while gazing at the leaves. "I don't think I'm light enough to hold onto that."

I couldn't help the chuckle that escaped my lips as she eyed me curiously.

"I'll show you," I grabbed on the leaves that immediately thickened and stayed rooted to the side of the house.

Climbing slowly, I looked back and extended my hand, "here."

She hesitantly took it, and took a few steps before being held up by me and the house. It was way too close for comfort but I knew she was just as excited about being near me as I was to her.

"Hang on," I murmured as she gripped my waist and I hauled us up the next few steps before helping her onto the roof.

She scooted over and laid down to examine the night sky as I crept closer to her our shoulders touching.

"Thank you for tonight," she breathed.

"Other than my dad... You're welcome."

"Even he was great, it's nice being around families that really care about one another," she sighed.

"Yours doesn't?"

"Well they were never able to have kids, but I think they got so used to being independent that now I seem to get in the way at times."

"That's ridiculous," I felt sorry for the girl and couldn't imagine my parents treating me like that. Sure I wasn't normal but that didn't mean my family would isolate me? I just chose to be alone at times.

She shrugged, "I'm used to it." She pointed to the stars, "do you know the constellations?"

"I know every single one," I boasted. After my mom had taken over the night for awhile, she had taught me everything there was to know about the sky.

"Really," she turned and gazed at me, "name them."

I began listing off the obvious ones as it soon turned into a game of who could name the constellation the fastest. We were obvious nerds.

Mandy couldn't stop giggling after I told her the story of the one about the rabbit and the hunter. She didn't believe me but I knew that all of these clusters of stars had a legit being or spirit within them. That's why Zeus had made so many.

The sky began to darken more as I realized it was getting later. As much as I didn't want her to go, I knew her guardians might question where she was.

"This was fun," she said as we began climbing down the trellis.

"Yeah, it was," I gazed down at her head as she concentrated on climbing.

When reaching the bottom, I jumped a few feet as I landed and watched Mandy carefully. She seemed to be gazing at me with a bunch of questions running through her mind.

"Everything okay?" I asked her gently.

"Yeah," she smiled, "just never had a good friend before like you."

I felt my cheeks redden slightly as she grabbed me for a hug that made my heart race. What was this girl doing to me?

"Me neither," I held her tightly to me and pressed my lips to the top of her head gently. I don't know what exactly made me want to do that but she didn't say anything.

"I'll see you tomorrow?" She whispered, her eyes even brighter than before.

"Tomorrow," I nodded as she stood on her tiptoes and kissed my cheek.

"Goodnight Ember."

"Goodnight Mandy."

She began to walk away and turned around, "call me Amanda."

I couldn't help the smile that reached my face, "goodnight Amanda."

She turned and headed back to her house as I gazed up at the sky to say a prayer of thanks to whatever God had decided to put her in my path. Probably Aphrodite no doubt.

**Celeste's POV**

I slowly lit the moon to illuminate the path for Amanda to walk back easily. My heart was thrumming in my chest after watching her interact with my son. Knowing that there was someone out there for him made me have hope that maybe he wouldn't be turned to the darkness. She was good and pure like how I had been at her age, I could feel it.

"Thank you for saving my son," I whispered, knowing she wouldn't hear me.

With my eyes, I casted another look at the girl before staring at Ember who had the biggest grin on his face. I couldn't remember ever seeing him this happy since he was little, and for once I was eternally grateful for the factor of love.

**Felt the need to add Celeste's POV in this chapter. Would love some thoughts on this sequel. It's getting easier for me to write it now :) hope you're enjoying it!**

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