**This book has literally taken up so much time to write because I've had no motivation... I really want to finish it but it seems no one is reading it. I have about 3 chapters outlined and it may just end up being the same length at the first one just FYI. Please tell me what you think of this story.**

I admit it was weird having someone in my house that I only talked to when she looked my way originally... Now she lived here and I had to remind myself of that every time I thought she would disappear.

Amanda was reading a book on the couch as I approached and sat down beside her. She looked at peace whenever she read and didn't have to focus on things. It was times like this when I was grateful we had the chance to have her here.

"What are you reading now?" I teased her as she held up some romance novel.

"It's what people are talking about at school," she shrugged.


"Mhm, but it's not as interesting as knowing what I know about you," she blushed as I chuckled. I hadn't expected that.

"True," I kissed her cheek gently. I had become a little bolder within the past few weeks of her being here. Well by bold I meant like kissing her and not being nervous about it.

"What?" She asked as I just smiled.

"Nothing, I just like watching you whenever you're doing something you enjoy."

She just smiled and leaned into me, "will I get to meet Drake? I liked Xena."

"Yeah, I'm sure we could arrange something," I wrapped my arm around her. I only wished she could see Olympus, but that was completely against the rules.

"I'll be right back," she kissed my cheek and went towards her room as I waited. My parents had both left for the day, but they both knew that nothing would happen while they were gone.

"Hey Amanda," I called as she came back a few moments later.


"Would you ever want to go out to sea on my dads boat and fish? Or even just watch?"

"Sure," her eyes lit up at the mention of being on one of my dads boats.

"He's pretty good at what he does," I said proudly as she sat back down.

"Have you ever noticed the way he looks at your mom?"

"What do you mean?" I titled my head slightly as she blushed.

"I mean, it's like whenever she walks in the room it's automatically brighter. And he just seems to be breathless every time."

"Well Gods and Goddesses do have a certain aura about them," I said oblivious to what she meant.

"Well that... But it's just so... Raw the emotions he shows when he looks at her. You can just tell their in love," she ducked her head, "maybe it's just silly."

"No," I brushed her hair back, "I do know what you're talking about. I've just never thought anything of it since they're my parents. But it is something that happens I'm guessing when two people are in love."

Amanda nodded with my assessment as we just laid there in silence. Part of me was hoping she wasn't about to declare her love to me... We were both too young to be thinking like that. I knew I cared for her immensely, but love? That was what my parents displayed not people our age.

I heard a ringing as I realized my mom was trying to contact me through the portal. I got up and filled a sink of water as I waited for the connection to go through.

"Ember," my mother said breathless.

"What's wrong mom?"

"Go to the pier and check on your father please, I feel there's something wrong."

"Okay mom," I frowned and waved away the apparition, and glanced to see it was pouring down rain. Great.

"What's wrong?" Amanda noticed my change in stance.

"My mom needs me to check on my dad," I grabbed my coat and slid it on before grabbing her hand.

We walked out quickly and felt the rain drench our coats within seconds as we headed towards the pier.

"This storm doesn't look too good," she gazed at the waves as they were threatening to wash over the dock.

"I know, I just need to see if my dads boat is here," I glanced around to see seamen tying down their boats and hollering at others.

"Have you seen my dad?" I went up to one of the guys I knew had been working with my dad.

"He's not back yet, he was out in the ocean trying to catch something," he glanced towards the water, "he needs to hurry back though. This storm is too strong and could capsize any boat with its waves."

"I need to go after him," I said and the guy shook his head, "no son. Your father is an experienced fisherman and man of the sea. He'll get here, there's no sense in us risking more lives to get him."

I felt the fire warm my body as Amanda retracted her hand slightly.

"Sorry," I murmured only to her as we took shelter under one of the roofs where a shop was anxiously waiting.

"What does the ship look like?" She whispered.

"It's white with navy writing on it," I said and scanned the waters for any sign of a boat. How far could my father have gone out?

"There!" A man yelled from afar as I noticed my dads boat was trying to beat the waves and sail back into the harbor.

"He needs help," I reached out towards my mom with my mind and sent images for her to contact Poseidon. Surely he could do something about it.

"Ember," Amanda shook as she pointed at a wave that was reaching heights greater than usual and hit the side of my dad's boat.

"Shit, dad!" I yelled as he and his crew scurried to dump water out as another wave came around.

"No!" I yelled and felt my hands burn with rage as the boat took a hit and slowly capsized.

"Dad!" I yelled as thunder clapped and I felt my mothers anger within mine. She had seen it too.

"Ember!" Amanda's voice called as I raced towards the edge of the pier. I had to save him.

"Mom," I choked out as I saw that I was still hundreds of feet away from where the boat had flipped. Some men had come up bobbing but I couldn't pinpoint who was who.

I saw a small rescue boat begin to bob out slowly and reach the people who were farther from the boat. It was a good thing they all knew how to swim.

"Dad," I whispered as I waited for them to begin pulling people into the boat.

One by one they began to pull men into the boat and finally caught a glimpse of my dad. He was treading water as he tried to swim towards the boat. He looked like he had taken a beaten and was slowing down.

"Ember!" Amanda yelled as I realized I was about to jump into the water.

"Amanda I have to save him, I can do this."

"No don't," she choked as I saw my mother standing a few feet behind us.

"Mom," I breathed as she glared into the sea and held her eyes fast on my dad.

"Mom we have to save him," I gasped as the boat couldn't seem to reach him.

"Stay here," she said and stood on the edge of the pier as I saw her begin to use her powers to bring the currents closer.

Slowly the boat reached my dad and pulled him in as my mom moved the waves to bring them in quicker.

"Medic!" A man yelled as more people rushed to help the boat.

"Cale," my mother breathed as I saw he was bleeding and looked unresponsive.

**I'm writing the next chapter right now! So stay tuned for the update**

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