**Important note at the bottom!**

**Ember's POV**

So let's just say the morning started out quite unexpectedly. My dad did come home and was laying on the couch with Nanuk as Amanda and I helped my mom around the house.

I had yet to ask her about letting Amanda see Kagan's place, and was still wondering what had happened last night. My only thought was, had it been critical enough for her to tell me she already would have by now. At least that's what I thought...

"Hey Ember?" My mother asked as I finished washing the dishes.


"Do you mind going taking Nanuk for a walk? I need to talk to your dad about something," she wrapped her arms around herself.

"Uh... Sure? Is everything okay?"

She nodded and proceeded to hand me my dog as I led her outside with Amanda right behind me.

"Your mom is acting strange," she frowned.

"I know..." I looked at her and added, "trust me it's not about you staying here. She wouldn't just make us leave to discuss it with my dad. Maybe she has some important meeting later. She usually talks to my dad about that stuff."

"Hmm," Amanda thought that over as we walked for nearly an hour. Surely that was enough time for them to sort out whatever it was that had happened.

"Hey, I haven't thought this all the way through... But if you want, I know someone who would let you see their world that they run. It's pretty different from ours, almost like caveman times... but Kagan, he's the one who runs it, is awesome and I'm sure he wouldn't mind letting you see Vesuvius."

"He lives in a volcano?" She stopped with her eyes wide.

"What? No, the place he lives is called Vesuvius."

"Oh," she blushed, "it's also a volcano in Italy."

I began laughing and felt tears spring to my eyes at the thought of Kagan living in a volcano. That was more like my grandpa with the underworld.

"Sorry," I teased her gently as she tried to look hurt.

"It's fine, you should laugh more often," she smiled as we made our way back inside.

Three voices were talking when we walked into the living room.

"Uh, hi Kagan," I frowned when I saw him sitting by my mom. What was going on?

"Hey Ember," he got up and hugged me.

"Oh, Amanda, this is Kagan, the guy I was just talking about."

"Oh!" She smiled brightly as he hugged her briefly and looked back at my mom.

"Is everything okay?" I asked once again.

"Yeah, we just need to talk to you Em," my dad said with a gentle voice. Had he been crying?

"Okay...?" I sat down with Amanda on the other couch as my dad wrapped his arm around my mom. It was a simple gesture but it made Amanda look away immediately.

"Well, your mother has some very big news," he began and just chuckled as I looked at her. What could he be taking about?

"I wouldn't say big... It's just unexpected," she began and looked at me for a moment.

"What?" I asked, this was getting annoying and I had no idea what they were getting at.

"I'm pregnant Ember."

Amanda gasped as my jaw just dropped. She was pregnant. You've got to be kidding me...

"Are you sure?" I asked her as she smiled and laid her hands on her stomach.

"Three weeks."

Amanda was the next to speak, "congratulations!"

"You're going to be an older brother to someone," my dad spoke again as the words rang through my head. I was going to be a brother...

"Why is Kagan here?" I blurted out, still not sure what was going on entirely.

"I asked him to help me with something," she looked at him with a smile. "As you know, you and I age much slower than your father does... And I knew that eventually things would become difficult when you and the baby got older... So I've asked Kagan to help slow down your father's aging process as much as he can without it interfering with anything."

Well that made sense, I thought and felt a smile reach my face. I had never thought about my dad being gone, but it was a possibility and after everything that had happened... It was definitely in my mind.

"So I'm going to age about the same as a Demi-God would," my dad smiled and kissed my mom's forehead.

"Thank you," I looked at Kagan as he just smiled.

"I told your mother I would do anything for her and you guys, this is the least I could do."

I looked over at Amanda who looked ready to break down because of how sweet this was and grabbed her hand gently. "Actually, since you're here... I was wondering if I could ask a small favor."

Once filling them in on the situation, Kagan laughed and agreed immediately to the plan. He claimed the mortals would get a kick out of seeing her and she would get a glimpse of what it's like to be a "Goddess" for a day. Amanda seemed to like that idea as she giggled and asked when he could take us.

"How about tomorrow? I have a few things I need to do today, but we could definitely do it then."

"Tomorrow sounds perfect," I agreed and led him outside before he departed.


"Yes my boy?" He smiled as I hugged him tightly.

"Thank you again... It means a lot to me, and my mom for you to help us like this..."

"Celeste is like a second daughter to me, I really do consider you guys as family," he chuckled. "Let's just hope that your baby brother or sister will be less of a troublemaker than you."

I rolled my eyes, I hadn't been that bad. Not until I became a teenager that is.

"With my mom's luck, they'll take over the underworld and my grandparents will be thrilled."

Kagan's laughter boomed as he just shook his head, "that would indeed be her luck. We better hope she has a girl, I cannot imagine her raising a daughter that enjoys destruction."

"We shall see," I agreed as he disappeared.

Walking back inside I realized that I would be the baby's role model when my parents weren't around and felt a rush of joy? I had never had someone look up to me before... Yes the thought was terrifying but at the same time it sounded exciting to be able to have a younger sibling. Maybe this was the world's way of saying I did have a purpose in life?

Seeing my dad and mom together on the couch as they continued to talk about the future made me smile. If they could have a somewhat perfect life amongst the chaos they were in, then I could too. Without a doubt with the blonde I had grown to trust and become more fond of as the months passed.

Amanda looked up and smiled when she saw me as I felt my cheeks heat up slightly. Yeah, there was definitely a chance that I would have my shot at a happy ending as well with this girl, once the time came for that. But for now I would just enjoy the ride.

**I've missed writing so this is why there's now a second update! The last part will be the epilogue with the baby sibling! Do you think it'll be a girl or boy? I'm up for name suggestions because I'm not sure if I'll stick with mine or not. He or she also needs a power just because! I'll probably have the epilogue up tomorrow or later this week and this book will be officially over. So thank you again for the support as it took me forever to write this! I'm just throwing this out as an idea... Would you want to see Kagan's life story before he lost his family and grew closer with Hades? Might be kinda fun to write, but only if you guys really want me too!**

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