**Embers POV**

I landed immediately in the Underworld and sought out my grandpa. This had gone too far and now I was ready to fry the entire world.

"Ember?" My grandma's voice called as she noticed me arrive.

"Where's Hades?" I asked as calmly as possible.

"He was meeting with Kagan... He'll be back soon," she frowned. "What's wrong?"

I tried to take a deep breath and keep the flames inside of me but I knew my eyes were reflecting the fire within. "My dad nearly died today... And Amanda knows what I am... I'm a monster and she doesn't see that."

She came over to me slowly and touched my shoulder, unaffected by the warmth. "Is your father okay?"

"Yes... It was some freak storm accident," I sighed.

"And this Amanda is still around even after you told her about yourself?"


"So what are you worried about Ember? She's still here and so is your father. Things happen all the time that we can't always control. I understand why you would want to use your powers towards destruction, trust me we want that. But I know your mother doesn't and we wouldn't want you to make this decision based off of your emotions currently."

"No, I'm a thousand percent sure I want to use this power as a weapon."

"Any of our powers can be used as weapons," she reassured me. "If you're still wanting to continue this when your Grandfather gets back we can talk to Ares as well and see what he thinks. He may be able to use you with your fire abilities... Or even Zeus."

"I don't think Zeus wants a Demi-God up there for help," I murmured. "I may as well be at the bottom of the food chain."

"Being a Demi-God isn't a bad thing. Your mother and father rewrote history so that you could be here and safe. Zeus is more understanding than what you may think."

"Why aren't you trying to get me to use my power for destruction?" I asked her finally.

She sighed, "we tried that with your mother for so long we rebelled. As much as we wanted her to continue our duties in the underworld, we knew she would have to make the decision. Yes we would want someone to do it, that someone being you since you are her only child, but it's not something I can demand of you."

I knew that she had a point and if I continued with this route would Amanda still want to be with me? The thought of bringing her into the underworld was not an option. Either she would have to leave or I would have to use my powers like my mom was doing.

A flash of light appeared as Kagan and Hades stood before us.

"Hello Ember," Hades smiled as Kagan just stood silently.

"Grandpa, Kagan," I acknowledged both of them.

"I was just talking to Ember about his powers and what uses he had for them," Kali explained to catch them up.

"I see," Hades continued, "well my boy if you ever decide you want to have this place as your future home you're more than welcome. Or I'm sure Kagan could always use help on Vesuvius."

Kagan nodded, "yes. I know Celeste wouldn't mind you doing that. Is your father okay?"

"Yeah," I tried to draw away from the topic before I could get upset again. "I'll come back down later I think."

Kali hugged me briefly, "you're welcome anytime."

"Thank you," I looked at her as she winked. Maybe my grandma had more good in her than she let on.

I landed back in Alaska seconds later and sighed. Things were going to be tough when I got back and had to talk to my mother... Assuming she was mad.

"Ember?" A voice called as I turned and saw Amanda walking up the street looking for me.

I stepped out from the shop I was under and waited for her to notice.

"Ember," she breathed when she saw me and ran up to hug me. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine Amanda," I tried to gently push her off me.

"Where... Why did you leave? Your dad is fine," she reassured me.

"I know... I just needed some time to think."

"About?" She asked innocently as I tried not to sigh. She just didn't get it.

"Amanda I don't know how this will work."

She looked down for a moment before looking back up. "I'm not afraid of you."

"You should be," I muttered as she grabbed my hand gently.

"I'm not, I was afraid of my guardians for far too long. You saved me from them and I don't plan on leaving your side until I'm dead."

I winced at her choice of words, she couldn't be serious.

"Amanda... My mom saved you."

"Yes but you're the one who's been talking to me. Don't you see that we're nearly the same? We feel like outcasts in this world for different reasons. You may have powers that no one in my world can truly understand but it doesn't make you a bad person."

"It could if something happened and I harmed you."

"But you won't, I trust that you won't. You fought those guys at school remember?"

I couldn't find any other excuse to push her away as she wrapped her arms around me.

"Don't shut me out, just let me try and help."

"You can't help me," I whispered as I brought my arms around her.

"I know you're scared," she whispered as she listened to my heart beating, "I'm a little scared too. But things get better in life, you just have to wait out the bad."

"And if you can't?"

"There's always a way," she looked up at me with a tiny smile, "you won't be in the darkness forever Ember."

"I haven't really been since I met you," I answered honestly and saw her blush a deeper shade of pink.

I brought my lips down to hers and kissed her hard so she could know how much she had truly saved me. Even if in that moment I was on the verge of going into the darkness, she was still my lifeline to pull me back. I may have been too young to know what love was, but I wasn't too young to know when I had a good friend.

"Thank you," I kissed her forehead.

"Anytime," she answered softly and took my hand in hers, "can we go back to your house? Your mother is waiting, she's been worried."

"Our house," I clarified as she looked down again while blushing. "It's your house as well Amanda."

With that, we began to head back in the direction of my house as the sky began to darken and snow lightly fell. Winter was approaching faster than I had realized.

Warming my hands slightly, I kept them at a decent temperature so Amanda wouldn't shake too much on our way back.

"You're my personal space heater," she teased.

"Isn't that what dogs are for?" I teased her back.

"Maybe," she thought, "but they're only good until they decide to move and you're cold. I know you would at least stay."

"I'll always stay," I promised her and felt the anger from earlier slowly start to die down. Maybe this was my decision after all.

**glad to be updating! Hope you enjoy the chapter!!**

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