I didn't hear from her for two days and it was driving me mad. By now I was convinced something was wrong but my mom wouldn't let me go check, that would be invading her privacy... That didn't mean I couldn't get Xena or Drake to.

"You want us to what?" Drake asked again as we were sitting in his library that happened to be connected to his bedroom.

"I just need you to check on her and make sure she's okay. You don't have to spy, if you must come back down with me and attend school for a day or whatever and help me find out what's going on," I reasoned with them.

"I don't see any issues... but I don't know Ember, we don't want to ruin something that you two have," Xena tried explaining.

"And I realize that but the way she acted the other day... she's scared of something and I'm willing to bet her guardians have something to do with that."

"Xena you're probably the better bet on that, since you're a girl and all," Drake scratched the back of his neck. "But okay, let's say we do find out something is wrong, then what?"

"I'll talk to my mom then or even Kagan, he should be able to help me."

"I mean... Your uncle could fry them," Xena smiled wickedly, "sorry, that would be my first thought. Then he would be able to watch them more closely in the underworld."

"If she found out I killed her "parental figures" she would probably never speak to me again. Guys she's human," I reminded them again. This seemed to be going over their heads every time we discussed Amanda.

"And some humans are violent and want to kill," Drake chuckled, "let us see what we can find out, then we'll report back."

"Thank you," I ran my hand through my hair nervously.

"You really like her don't you?" Xena said softly as we just sat in silence for a moment.

"It would seem so," I admitted. "There's just... She's everything that I'm not you know? I feel like she could make me a better person."

"What are you talking about? You are a good person Em," Drake frowned.

"Yeah but she's got like this halo around her of goodness or something. I swear she's an angel or whatever."

"She may be, but don't put yourself so far down to where you think you won't even be good enough for her," he cautioned me. "If she's as amazing as you claim her to be, then she'll help you find the good in yourself that you so blatantly ignore or just don't see."

"He's right, as usual," Xena winked at me.

"Yeah yeah," I brushed off their smirking that was obviously directed at me.

"Now if you're lacking in the romance department then I don't know if anyone can help you," Drake joked as Xena's face went pink.

"Oh God Drake, hush! We've seen him kiss her, I'm sure he managed to not eat garlic that day or whatever."

"Guys!" I groaned and just closed my eyes. I prayed I wouldn't fry them on the spot one day with my powers...

"We're just kidding Em, you would do the same if it was one of us," Xena patted my shoulder.

We all knew I would but it didn't make my predicament any easier. Deciding I needed to go back down and check on Nanuk, I stepped into the portal and transported back down to Alaska.

When I walked in she immediately greeted me at the door by barking and trying to jump on me.

"Down girl," I chuckled and scratched under her chin as she panted happily.

"Let me get you some food," I went into the kitchen and grabbed her bowl before filling it to the top and putting it down again. "That should hold you over for a little while."

Looking at the clock I noticed that my dad wouldn't be home for another couple of hours, nor would my mom. I hadn't seen her at Olympus but that didn't mean she was here in Alaska either.

Sighing, I decided to head upstairs and just rest for a little while. It was easy to run out of things to do around here in this small town, especially when you're lacking in the friend department.

Kicking my shoes off, I flopped on my bed and passed out in a matter of seconds.

"Ember," I heard a voice as I tried to turn to wherever it was coming from.

"Amanda?" I called when I recognized the tone.

"Ember please," she pleaded again as I tried to search for her.

I stepped forward and realized I was in a boat in the middle of the ocean.

"Where are you!" I called to her as I turned my head in every direction, scanning the water for her hair.

"Ember!" She cried as I saw a hand flailing in the water before being swept under.

"Hang on!" I cried and tried to steer my boat over in her direction only to realize it wasn't moving. I would have to dive in after her or lose her.

I awoke moments later and felt sweat dripping down my back as I glanced at the clock and saw I had only been out for an hour. My heart was racing as I tried to convince myself that it was just a nightmare and it didn't mean anything. But deep down I had a feeling this was a vision of something that was to come.

'I'll talk to my mom tonight,' I made a note and heard Nanuk pad into my bedroom before nudging her head into my hand.

"Thanks girl," I rubbed her head as I tried to focus on anything other than Amanda. If things were really bad she would've found a way to tell me... Unless she was scared I would hurt someone like at school.

"Shit," I felt my hands simmer as the anger boiled. If anything happened to her I wouldn't be able to forgive myself.

**thoughts on the dream Ember had? Sorry for not updating sooner. I'm still surprised this story doesn't have more reads since it's a sequel, but I'm still hopeful! Thank you to those who are reading even if you aren't voting or commenting**

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