I realized after ten minutes of watching the show what not to do to piss a girl off. I mean talk about drama... No wonder everyone was so hung up on something...

I tried to suppress a groan as the guy, who's name I had already forgotten, decided he would go get revenge on his ex and make out with her best friend... Okay even I knew that was a low blow.

Amanda and Xena sat intrigued by the screen as I just stared around the room. It was time for a change of scenery.

"Anyone want something to drink?" I whispered as Xena shook her head.

"If you have Sprite I'll take that," Amanda smiled before looking back at the show.

I headed into the kitchen and grabbed two sprites before sitting down. Nanuk had decided to show herself and was sitting in my spot as I just stood there.

"Well hello," I nudged her as she huffed and hopped off the seat.

She trotted over to Amanda and laid down next to her as she giggled and began rubbing her head. I was slightly jealous that my dog could be nonchalant around people but I couldn't.

"What's that?" Xena tapped her side as Mandy glanced down at where she was pointing.

"Oh," she quickly slid her top back over the bruise that seemed incredibly dark and painful, "I didn't land right when I was climbing down from a tree the other day."

"Weird spot to get a bruise in," she mused and waited until Mandy went back to watching the show to look at me.

I immediately knew what it was from and felt my heart race, this may as well been an indication of the dream... she was being beaten by her guardians... but what could I do?

Getting up slowly, I left to go find a way to contact my mom, she would know what to do if she didn't already know.

Running some water in the sink and letting it reflect my face, I focused on Olympus and tried to bring the connection through to my mom. This didn't always work and I think it had to do with me being only partially immortal.

A shimmering face appeared as my mom frowned before realizing it was me. "Hey Ember, everything okay?"

"I know why she's scared," I spoke quietly.

"What's going on sweetie?"

"Mom they're hurting her... I don't know what to do," I closed my eyes for a moment to get the images that were forming in my head of Amanda cowering in a corner.

"Has she fully admitted to it?"

"No but Xena pretty much spotted it... I'm," I stopped when I realized my hands were close to burning the sink that I was gripping so hard.

"Okay, let me see what I can do. For now... try and see if there's someone she can stay with."

"Okay," I breathed as I began to drain the water and tried to control my rage that was building. Why would someone want to hurt someone like that? What had she done wrong?

Xena and Amanda's voices distracted me from my thoughts as I realized the show was over and it sounded like Amanda was about to leave.

I walked back out quickly and saw Xena hug Amanda real quick before retreating. Amanda waited patiently for me to walk her outside as I tried to think of something to say.

"Do you want me to walk you back?"

"That's okay," she smiled weakly before hugging me tight.

I was careful not to touch her bruise as I hugged her back and felt her wince.

"Amanda... you know you can tell me if something is wrong right?" I gazed at her intently before she broke away and looked at the ground.

"I know... but there's really nothing you can do Em," she wrapped her arms around her.

'You have no idea,' I thought and kissed her forehead gently. "Amanda."

"I'm not wanting to cause any  trouble," she whispered quietly.

"Let me see?" I pleaded as she continued to gaze at the ground. I had never seen her scared, other than the time I had fought that one guy... but this was even worse than that.

"It'll go away," she said more to herself than to me as she raised her shirt slightly to show the bruise that nearly extended up the entire side of her ribcage.

I closed my eyes before she could see them turn red and tried to remind myself not to kill someone. I couldn't be capable of that... not around her.

"Is there someone you can stay with?"

"No," she whispered.

"Stay with me," I said quickly as she shook her head and I grabbed her waist gently. "Amanda, stay with me."

"I... I can't."

"Why? Do you think I can't protect you... believe me I can,"

"I know you could... but their my guardians."

"I can't let you go back to them if they're going to hurt you."

"They won't unless I don't get back in time," she pleaded. "Ember, please, just let me go and I promise to see you tomorrow."

I could make her stay... but that was against everything I was wanting to do at this moment. Sliding my hands off her slowly, I saw her turn quickly and head back to her house without another word.

I felt my anger boil again as I walked back inside the house and saw Xena take a step back as she waited for me to calm down.

"What do I do? I can't make her stay," I began as she refrained from patting my arm in fear of getting fried.

"I think we wait for your parents to come home and we talk to them. Your mom could somehow persuade them and then we can go from there on how to save her if her guardians don't change."

"Honestly I would rather kill them right now than worry about knowing if I'll see her tomorrow or not."

"I know..." was all she said as I literally felt myself about to explode.

"Where are you going?" Xena frowned as I began to walk upstairs.

"I'm going to go visit my grandfather."

"Why would you go to the Underworld?" she gaped.

"Because I need to explode something," I replied as Xena said nothing.

"I'll be back," I reassured her before closing the door to my bedroom and imagining myself within the Underworld.

A minute later, I recognized the stench of the dead and saw that my grandparents were playing chess with skeletons.

"Ember?" Kali looked up at me with a frown.

"Does your mother know you're here boy?" Hades replied.

"Nope and I want to keep it that way for now."

**What do you think Ember is going to talk to Hades and Kali about? He could've gone to Kagan but instead goes to them... any thoughts? Really do appreciate the people who are reading this, please comment! I would love to know how I'm doing on this story that's taking me oh so long to write.**

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