I was laying on my bed just thinking of how to approach the subject with my mom. She was going to freak, and who knows what might come out of her mouth or hands. Her power seemed to reflect her emotions more than the other Gods and Goddesses, but maybe that's an overstatement.

Kagan said he would return in a few days to get me so that I could go with him, that would give me time to figure out this girl stuff. I hoped.

My dad knocked before peeking his head in to see me. "Hey Ember, everything okay?"

"You can read my mind too?" I sighed as he chuckled and closed the door.

"What's up?" He sat down on the edge of my bed.

"There's this girl..." I began and looked at him, "I'm sure you can help me before I have to go to mom right? She might make a big deal about this."

He grinned, "don't worry, I won't bring this up. Now what's her name, this girl you mentioned?"

"Amanda, but she goes by Mandy. She's... Not like an average girl, kinda quiet and weird like me."

"In a good way of course," my father added.

"Sure dad," I shook my head, "but I'm obviously not sure if she's flirting with me or not. I don't know the first thing about relationships clearly."

"Well," he began, "how does she talk to you?"

"She said something how being funny is a good look on me? I mean, like what the heck does that even mean?"

My dad chuckled for a few moments while I waited for him to finish his teasing. Was I that clueless when it came to girls?

"It means, or at least this is what I think, that she likes how you act around her. Being funny is a trait she noticed in you that she likes."

That made so much sense! Now how come I couldn't figure that out myself?

'Probably because you were awestruck by her looks,' my mind told me.

Yeah... That was definitely it.

My dad chuckled again, "why don't you invite her over sometime so we can meet her? We could do it when your mom is busy with work if you want."

I was nodding even before he had finished. "That sounds great, thanks dad."

"I try to be helpful," he patted my knee.

"Hey dad," I started again.

He turned around and leaned against the frame as I tried to find a way to word my next question.

"So... she's like super religious. But, only believes in like one God or something along those lines." I tried to hold back a smile from landing on my face on how absurd that was to me.

"Ah," he smiled back. "Well... I guess she just believes in Zeus, for now," he winked and knocked on the wood. "Don't worry about it Em, she'll change her opinion on that if she ever learns that we're not the typical family."

My only fear at that point would be whether she would still want to be my friend once knowing that my mom and I had "powers".

"Did it take you awhile to get used to mom having powers?" I asked him.

"A bit," he chuckled. "I didn't believe her until she showed me what she could do. But everyone reacts differently to things that are supernatural Ember. Keep that in mind."

"I will," I petted Nanuk's muzzle as my dad went downstairs.

'I'll have to find out my powers before I tell her I have any as well,' I told myself.

**Sorry for the late update on this story, it's a bit tricky. Ideas are so welcomed! Thanks guys**

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