1. Catching Eyes

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It's hard being the jewel in the crown.

The shining star, the symbol of power. It had been your life for longer than you could remember even before meeting him. You knew how to handle it, but it always felt glorified to hear others speak of it.

The golden girl – pride and soul of the renowned gang known as the Resistance. You'd always been involved in mobs; your father was the right hand man of the previous leader and so you had to grow up alongside this life. Now, as you sat proudly on the arm of the new man in charge, Poe Dameron, it was as much a part of you as the colour of your eyes or the blood in your veins.

He treated you like a princess, especially when he couldn't quite call you his. Poe always loved showing you off, using you as a reminder to others that he had it all. What he loved most was when you sang. That's how he found you. Singing in the Resistance run bar, D'Qar, was what you were known for. Your voice was the envy of all and it helped that you had the looks to match; women wished they were you, men wished they had you.

It was just before Poe's ascension to power when he heard you sing the first time. Much like everyone else, he was hypnotised from the moment he saw you; the way your body moved as you sang, the glimmer in your eye and the elegance, as well as confidence, that oozed from you as you performed. Taking a seat in one of the reserved booths at the club, Poe watched you all night. Even after you'd left the stage and began mingling with guests and clients, his eyes followed you everywhere. Poe didn't approach you that night; he wanted to observe you and learn about you first. He began asking around about you, getting as much information as he could over a week before he saw you sing again. He knew your father; they had worked together many times in the past and Poe always had a great relationship with him, but he never knew about you until now. With each new bit of information, he got more and more excited to see you. There was an intoxication, an addiction that he couldn't explain.

That night, the next time he saw you perform, you nearly took his breath away; making your way off the stage and over to his table as you sang.

I think we're alone now - Tiffany

What he didn't know was that you'd seen him staring and you knew he'd been asking around. Most people underestimated you; they saw you as a little girl, a simple performer. That's how you liked it. What many didn't know was you were just as formidable and cunning as the best of them. A smirk played on your lips as your eyes met, your hand running through his hair as you perched on his table. You noted the way his Adam's apple bobbed as your hand played with his dark locks, how his eyes shone up at you and his lips parted slightly. The microphone spun in your hand during the instrumental, smirk growing as you watched his eyes devour you. As you stood, Poe quickly grabbed your hand, leaving a soft kiss on the back and winking as you began singing again.

He didn't wait on the side lines that night; as soon as you emerged from back stage he practically ran over. The smirk appeared on your lips again, turning to face him as his hand touched your lower back. "Oh, my shadow has emerged from the darkness this evening," growing up in the mob gave you a very quick tongue, "decided to do the talking yourself tonight? Your little goons too busy to follow me about?" He was shocked, but quickly flashed you his legendary smile and laughed.

"Keeping me on my toes before I've even introduced myself. My kind of woman." Smiling, you rolled your eyes and allowed yourself to openly check him out. His suit was perfectly tailored, a deep burgundy shade in his jacket while his trousers were jet black. Arms and chest wide, hair glistening, he definitely caught your eye in a way most men that approached you didn't. Poe watched you analysing him, lips curling into a smirk as he leant against the bar. "What's a guy like me gotta do to get a girl like you to agree to dinner?" Your eyes met his once more, smirk turning into a gentle smile as your cheeks flushed a light shade of pink.

"How about you start with a drink and your name?" He chuckled and nodded, waving to the bartender and ordering drinks for you both. The rest of the night was spent laughing and flirting, your bodies leaning closely into each other as you sat in his booth. Poe gave off such a strong, powerful energy that enthralled you. His company was addictive and you couldn't keep your hands off him. A gentle smack on his arm if he said something cheeky, a hand on his thigh while he spoke about work. You couldn't keep away from him and he was very much the same. 

Throughout your conversation, his arm had snaked around your waist, holding you against his side. His fingers would play with the fabric of your dress, gently running along the hem and lightly grazing your exposed thigh. If anyone were to walk past and look at you both, they would've assumed you were a long-term couple the way you were so comfortable and affectionate while sat in that booth. The flirtations were cut short when a young man tapped Poe's shoulder. You vaguely recognised him, seeing him in the bar on occasion and in meetings your dad had made you attend. He whispered something to Poe, who's face dropped from his playful smirk to a serious frown. A pout formed on your lips as he stood, but his smile was contagious as he looked down at you. "I wish I could stay, but I'm just too important," you giggled, rolling your eyes again, "I'll be sure to see you around doll. You can't get rid of me that easy. Be good while I'm gone." You nodded and watched as he walked away with the other man, biting your lip and sighing contently.

It was a week before you saw him again. While you didn't have any way of contacting him, Poe was able to make his presence known. It was the Wednesday after he'd first spoken to you when a large bouquet of roses was delivered to your apartment. A simple, hand written card reading 'for you, doll' made your heart skip a beat. Saturday couldn't come fast enough; you knew he'd come to watch you and you couldn't wait to see him. 

The still beautiful arrangement of flowers sat on your dresser as you got ready to head to the bar. You always took pride in your appearance, especially on performance nights, but tonight you made extra effort in choosing something show stopping to wear. A tight latex dress, ocean blue in colour, with a lace insert running from your cleavage to your stomach as well as down your arms. It hugged your curves perfectly, scandalously displaying you in a way that made you feel powerful. Your lipstick matched the dress perfectly, dark makeup around the eyes and diamonds dripping from your ears.

There wasn't a single eye that hadn't locked on you the moment you walked into the bar, a smirk crossing your lips as you watched jaws drop. 

Out of the corner of your eye, you saw that smirk. The same one that'd been running around your mind all week. His eyes shone, even in the dim lighting of the seating area. Whiskey glass in hand, slouched back against his seat, Poe was unable to move; too entranced by you. He watched you as you walked towards him, smirk growing more and more the closer you got. Putting the glass down and running a hand through his hair, Poe tapped his thigh gesturing for you to sit on his lap. Biting your lip, placed your hands on his knees and bent down, face mere inches away from his. The lust in his eyes was intoxicating, the way they closed briefly as your hands gently grazed up to the tops of his thighs. "Sorry pretty boy, I'm needed elsewhere," you leant down even more, lips resting by his ear as you whispered, "maybe if you cheer loud enough for me while I sing, you won't just have to undress me with your eyes." He groaned, dropping his head back against the seat as you stood up again.

"You're a naughty little girl, doll, you really are." He smirked, meeting your eyes once more before you headed backstage to prepare for your number.

She – Harry Styles

You could barely look away from him during your performance; his eyes held yours captive in an intense staring match. While your show was immaculate, you barely took notice of the cheers and applause erupting around the room as the song came to an end. There was only one person in there that you cared about. 

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