10. Chances, Taken

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You felt like you'd been hit with a car. Your entire body ached, throat sore and eyes watery. Slowly opening your eyes, you were met with a dimly lit room. No noise, just silence making you tense. Attempting to move, you realised your arms were tied to the chair behind your back. You kept struggling, desperately attempting to break free. As you lashed around, the rope began cutting into your skin causing you to cry out in pain.

"I suggest you stop doing that." 

You flinched, eyes quickly darting around trying to locate the source of the voice. You yanked your arms again, biting your lip to hold in a whimper. 

"I said," you heard footsteps behind you, before a hand tightly gripped your shoulder, "fucking stop it, princess." You froze, gaze fixed forward as your body stiffened. The hand on your shoulder ran up to your neck, finger tracing over the bruises that had started to form from Poe's choke hold. You jolted your head away, closing your eyes to hide the tears that were forming. "Come on now, don't be like that baby," you felt a presence in front of you but you couldn't bring yourself to open your eyes, "look at me." You shook your head, letting it drop forward as you began to shake. You heard your name echo throughout the room, the cold tone made your stomach flip.

Before you could respond, a painful smack contacted with your cheek. Your head flew sideways, tears spilling as you whined in pain. "I don't want to have to hurt you princess, but that doesn't mean I won't. So," you felt hands on both of your knees, "I suggest you start listening to me. Now look. At. Me." Nodding softly, you slowly turned and raised your head, making eye contact. Your tongue darted across you bottom lip, tasting the faint hint of blood from the small cut in the corner of your mouth. "That wasn't so hard, now was it? I just want to see those pretty eyes. You wanna explain to me what's happened to your neck?" 

Kylo crouched in front of you, adjusting the rings on his fingers; they had shifted after he smacked you. You sighed, looking at his hands and then meeting his gaze again.

"H...he got mad... when you left, and said things... did things... wait, wait no," You shook your head and sat up straight, "you don't get to ask me that. What in the fuck is this? Where am I and why did you hit me?" Kylo rolled his eyes and stood up, cupping your cheek to angle your head up to face him.

"Well, song bird. This was always how it was going to go... you and me anyway. I was going to let it happen naturally. Let you leave him and come running to me. But after seeing the way he spoke to you, how he treated you. I had to save you baby." He smiled but your scoffed, pulling your head away from his hand and looking away.

"Save me? You're fucking crazy man... you had goons fucking drug me and tie me up. And you just fucking smacked me! How is that saving me?" You heard him sigh, his hand reaching for you once again. He began stroking your hair as he stood between your legs.

"Calm down baby. I didn't want to hurt you, I never want to hurt you. But, if you don't behave you have to be punished, it's as simple as that. I know you can be my good girl. If you keep behaving, you're going to love it here. If not," He got down on one knee, resting between your legs and catching your gaze, "well... if not, you're going to find out exactly what kind of man I can be princess." A single tear fell down your cheek as you stared down at him, mind racing with everything that had happened. Your name left his lips, almost like velvet, as a hand reached up to cup your cheek. "Tell me what he did baby, tell me how he hurt you."

"Well," you sighed and looked down, "fine. When you left... fuck, he's not a bad guy. He isn't like it normally. He's sweet, and he treats me so well." Kylo tensed as you praised Poe, hand on your cheek moving to grip your jaw.

"Yeah, treats you really well. All over other women when you're not around, shows you no respect. He practically threw you at me yesterday because he didn't really care. Now look at you, your beautiful throat is ravaged. Real fucking sweet."

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