5. Heartache on the Dancefloor

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Your dress for the evening nearly gave Rey a heart attack. Her face was a picture as you walked into the living room where she sat waiting for you. It was practically all lace, black with small silver sequins littering the material like stars in the night sky. Its turtleneck design framed your shoulders and neck, long sleeves flowing into large pieces of fabric hanging around your wrists. The set of black lingerie you had decided to wear almost looked part of the dress and it matched perfectly. Hem sitting midway down your thigh, Rey has to rub her face to break the trance you'd put her in. 

"You're gonna kill me one of these days babe, seriously. How is Poe still alive if he gets to see you like this. Fuck..." You giggled and walked over, sitting on her lap and kissing her cheek. "I told the guys we're expecting company tonight. Poe wasn't thrilled, but I decided not to tell him everything about our little run in and just said we bumped into him while walking home. Better not to piss him off before we get there." You smiled and kissed her forehead.

"Thank you Rey, you really do look out for me." She smiled, patting your thigh and watching you stand up. "You don't think this is too much at all, do you? I know it's just drinks but I thought I'd make an effort." You spun around for a moment, trying to look over yourself whilst not stumbling in your high heels.

"Effort for Poe, or effort for Ren?" Your cheeks flushed pink, eyes quickly meeting hers as she chuckled. "I'm just messing with you babe. But, I do have a feeling you're about to make this alliance very rocky. I'm not sure I'll be able to keep my hand off you, let alone those two." You giggled, shaking your head and reaching for her hand.

"Well, you in that suit really does things to me Rey... Maybe we should forget the guys all together." You smirked as she rolled her eyes. "Come on pretty lady, let's head out. Finn should be pulling up soon to get us." Rey smiled, kissing your cheek and walking to the door. You quickly grabbed your clutch bag and followed.

Pulling up to the club, the bouncer opened your car door and gave you a hand to steady you as you climbed out. Smiling, you thanked him and took Rey's hand as she stood beside you. Finn stood with the bouncer, talking about how the night was going as Rey led you inside. Poe was in the office, conducting business. You knew he'd join you when they were done, so you grabbed a drink at the bar before heading to your usual booth in the reserved section. Considering the time, mid-evening on a week night, the bar was already comfortably full. The atmosphere was electric, people laughing and dancing to the music made you smile. After an hour or so, you and Rey decided to join the bodies on the dance floor. Losing yourself in the feeling of alcohol induced happiness, you swayed along with your friend, holding hands and giggling as you danced against each other. It'd been some time since you'd been at the booth, probably an hour or so, and your feet were starting to tire. Turning to walk back over and grab another drink, your heart sank.

Poe sat in the booth, a few other men around the table. But what made your lips part and chest go tight was the girl on his lap. Her hand rested on his chest, smiling and giggling at something he said. His lips were smirking, eyes fixed on her face as his arm draped loosely around her waist. Rey saw your body freeze and followed your gaze, gripping your hand as she saw what had caught your attention. "Babe..." she whispered, but you weren't listening. 

Feeling eyes burn into him, Poe turned to face the dance floor. He hadn't even known you were at the club yet; too consumed with deals and his company when you arrived, not noticing you dancing when he walked out. He had asked Finn to pick you up later so he was free of his current company before you arrived, but the message hadn't gone through. Your eyes met for a moment and his heart stopped, expression dropping and hands quickly moving the girl from his lap. Holding his gaze for a second, a tear ran down your cheek. As you saw him stand, you quickly turned to walk out of the bar. Rey trailed behind you, but stopped once you exited. You assumed she was going to scold Poe, make sure he didn't follow you as she knew you'd need a moment alone to relax.

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