6. Friendships mean the world

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Poe had insisted on driving you home; you knew he wanted to talk about what happened but you really didn't have the energy and frankly you had had to much to drink for actual conversation. As you walked through your front door, you immediately kicked off your heels and fell onto the sofa groaning. An arm rested over your eyes as you let out a long shaky breath. Poe stood in front of the sofa, arms crossed over his chest as he watched you. "Babydoll, talk to me please... I want to explain. I want to make it better." He kneeled down at your side, hands reaching for yours. "Let me make it up to you baby, come on... I wanna see those beautiful eyes." Shaking your head lightly, you removed your arm from your face and turned to look at him. He gave you a small smile and leant forward to place a soft kiss on your forehead.

"I don't want to hear it Poe, not right now... I'm too tired. Just..." you sighed, closing your eyes to stop tears forming, "take me to bed, please?" Poe nodded, standing up and gently slipping his arms under your body. Carrying you bridal style into your bedroom, Poe laid you gently on the bed before slowly helping you undress. He walked into the bathroom, grabbing some makeup wipes and guiding you to sit up as he took a seat on the bed beside you. Delicately, he wiped away you makeup and put your hair up in a ponytail.

You couldn't help but smile, feeling how delicate he was with you fixed the aching in your heart. He wasn't very affectionate, unless it was during sex, and even then it was more passion than care. Seeing you smile made Poe mirror you, smiling and relaxing when you rested your hand on his arm. Removing all your makeup, Poe laid you back down and tucked you in. He stood for a moment, unsure of whether you wanted him gone or not. Looking up with tired eyes and a fuzzy brain, you reached your hand out to him. "Get in, stupid." A small chuckle fell from his lips, quickly undressing before climbing into bed beside you. His strong arms wrapped around your waist, pulling your back against his chest. Leaving kisses along your neck, Poe smiled against your skin. It didn't take long for him to drift off behind you, but the buzzing of your phone made you perk up as your eyes were beginning to shut. You carefully leaned over the table, grabbing your phone while careful not to disturb Poe.

'Goodnight princess, don't dream about me too much'.

Waking up in Poe's arms felt good, you felt safe and wanted. It didn't happen often, but when it did you couldn't help but enjoy the feeling. It almost made you forget about the way you had felt last night. Almost.

Sitting up in bed, you sighed as memories of last night came back. You felt Poe's arms tighten around you as he groaned at your side. "Lay back down chick, it's too early..." his whining made you laugh slightly, biting your lip and looking down at him. He opened one eye to look up at you, smiling and pulling you towards him. Poe's lips left soft kisses along your thigh, teeth gently nipping at the skin once he reached your hip. You hummed, looking down at him and running a hand through his hair. He smiled, his hand rubbing along the inside of your thigh.

Shaking yourself out of his tight grip, you heard him sigh as you walked through the living room and into the kitchen. As you filled the kettle and grabbed two cups from the cabinet, you heard Poe slowly walk out of the bedroom. He sat down on the sofa, eyes wandering over your body before focussing on the window in front of him. "You wanna talk about it now?" When you didn't respond, Poe sighed. Your name fell from his mouth as he rubbed his hands over his face. "Come on, I think you're being a little unfair now baby. It was just some friendly smiling. Ok, yeah she was sat on my lap and it didn't look all that friendly but is it really that big of a deal? You throw yourself at guys all the time." You roughly slammed the mugs onto the counter and turned to face him.

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