8. Knowing you

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Walking into the bar, the loud music overflooded your senses. Nerves filled your entire being, ready but apprehensive about what Poe had asked of you. You wanted to know Kylo, wanted to spend time with him. But the motives behind it made you uneasy. 

Poe led you over to the booth, where Rey and Finn were engaged in some kind of argument. You smiled and sat by Rey, placing your hand on her thigh. She jumped, but smiled and hugged you as she realised who it was. "Settle this for us babe, which of us is hotter?" Rey and Finn both looked at you expectantly as you began to laugh.

"Wow, hitting me with the hard questions tonight. Ok, well... It's pretty easy. Finn," he began to smile, leaning back and crossing his arms behind his head, "how can you not see that Rey is hotter?" Rey began to tear up from laughing, Poe joining in and chuckling as he elbowed Finn's side playfully.

"That was cold girl, fucking cold." Finn pouted and sipped his beer. As the laughter faded, your eyes scanned the room, hoping to fall on a familiar gaze.

Meeting those breath-taking eyes stopped your heart for a moment. He looked incredible; white button up, left open at the top. His navy trousers made you smile, knowing he'd probably chosen those to deliberately match your own attire earlier. Raising one finger, he beckoned you over to where he stood at the bar. As if you were a scorned school girl, you immediately stood and began walking over with your eyes on the floor. Your eyes caught the shine of his shoes, too nervous to look up as you stood in front of him. The same finger that called you over hooked under your chin, raising your face to meet his.

"Hm, what a good girl. Coming to me when she's called..." His thumb ran over your bottom lip, your eyes meeting his as you sighed. "Your boyfriend aware you come running to me, huh princess?" You shook your head, placing one hand on his wrist and batting your eyelashes. He smirked, taking a deep breath and leaning closer. "For an innocent little resistance girl, you do wear a lot of very naughty outfits... So revealing, so enticing. I thought you guys were meant to be all blue and bright. Honour and dignity, or whatever bullshit you lot hide behind. You look like you belong to me, like you're my little Order girl. A bad girl..." Whimpering as he whispered the last sentence, your tongue dipped out of your mouth and met the tip of his thumb. Kylo bit his lip, adding pressure to his grip and pushing down on your bottom lip.

Finally gaining some composure, you moved your head back slightly to allow his hand to drop and smirked. "Says the man stood here in blue trousers... maybe we're both on the wrong sides. Maybe you just wanna look like me too much." You looked him up and down, eyes lingering on his trousers as you licked your lips. You knew he'd be watching you and you wanted to tease him. A low groan left his lips as he stepped closer.

"You're playing a very dangerous game here kitten, you really don't want to test me. I'll take you right here while your little boyfriend watches." You gasped, meeting his eyes again and stepping back. The new pet name made your thighs quickly rub together as a wetness pooled between your legs. His smirk was evil, but so enticing. For a second you even found yourself imagining what he was saying. Shaking your head, you clenched and released your fists to bring yourself back to reality. The flush of colour in your cheeks told Kylo exactly what you were thinking about and it drove him wild. "You really still don't know who you're dealing with do you?"

"Then show me who I'm dealing with, Kylo Ren... Let me see who you are." Your eyes were pleading for him, in so many ways. You wanted to know him on a personal level, maybe even on an emotional level too. But deep down, a part of you was begging to know him physically too. "I want to know you." You placed your hand on his as it rested on the bar, his eyebrow raising and smirk turning into an unreadable expression. His eyes darted around the room quickly, working out if anyone was watching you both at this time. When he was satisfied no one else was listening in, he placed his lips by your ear.

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