3. Amber eyes

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Rey came over to your apartment the afternoon of the meeting to help you get ready. She would be escorting you there to make sure you were safe but also so no one saw you with Poe. 

You had been shopping that morning, with your boyfriend's card, and found the perfect outfit for the night. Standing in front of your full length mirror, you looked over your outfit. A floor length gown, golden and shimmering with a high slit up one side exposing your bare leg. Thin straps hung over your shoulders as the top hem sunk into a low V down your chest. 

Rey stood behind you, looking you over and smiling. "I really wish you weren't dating my boss you know, you're too damn hot." You both started laughing as you turned to face her, sticking your tongue out. She walked over, giving you a quick kiss on the cheek before grabbing your hair brush and signalling for you to turn around. "You know I've got your back tonight, we all do." You smiled and shook your head.

"Why is everyone so freaked out about tonight? What is it about this guy, what don't I know?" She sighed, slowly brushing through your hair and styling it for you.

"Rumours, you know? I did a bit of digging and he doesn't sound like the usual stupid old guy that's too big for his boots. Apparently he killed his dad, that's how he got into The Order. Guy sounds pretty ruthless and I think Poe is worried its gonna go wrong. This is the first time he's tried to form an alliance since sitting in the big seat." Nodding, you bit your lip. Rey made eye contact with you through the mirror and smiled. "You don't worry yeah? Nothing is gonna happen, not while I'm around. They can't take my best friend from me and leave me with all the idiots." You both giggled and smiled, finishing the final touches of your look before grabbing your bag. 

Rey opened the front door for you, giving you the chance to look her over as you walked out. Her beige suited and black shirt were tight fitting, hugging her small frame perfectly. She hated dresses, constantly refusing to wear them. But my god could she rock a suit, putting most men to shame with the way she looked. You walked out hand in hand, smiling at her as she helped you into the car Poe had arranged for you both. A nervous energy arose in your stomach as the car headed for its destination. Something about tonight unnerved you, like you could feel something was going to happen.

Pulling up outside of the bar, you and Rey immediately made your way in walking past the long queue of people. The bar was packed tonight, an excited energy buzzing around and making you relax slightly. Rey followed you backstage and sat with you in your dressing room for a while. Finn walked in, letting you know that they had arrived. He gave you the table number and told you to try and make as much eye contact as possible. He also let you know where him and Poe were sitting, just in case you needed them. Smiling, you nodded and let out a deep sigh as he closed the door behind him. "Babe it's all fine," Rey placed her hand on your shoulder, "same as always, you sing, you smile and then you go say hi. The guys are only a few tables over and will be able to hear everything. You've got this." She always knew how to make you feel better, boosting your confidence and helping you relax. Hearing the announcer introduce you, you took a deep breath and stood up. Flashing you one more smile, Rey made her way back out front to join Poe and Finn as you walked onto the stage. Your dress sparkled under the bright stage lights; tonight you truly were the golden girl.

Eyes darting around the room, you caught sight of your boyfriend smiling at you. His warm gaze calmed your nerves and as the music began to play you began looking around the room.

The one that got away – Katy Perry

As you sang, you found yourself looking in the direction of the table you were told to pay attention to. There were 7 men sat around the booth, all in fully black suits. They all had serious expressions, six of them constantly surveying the room. But it was the man at the centre of their group that caught your eye. His gaze didn't leave you, sitting forward with his arms resting on the table. Even from where you stood, you could make out a faint red line travelling down the side of his face. Long black hair cascaded down to his shoulders; your mind faltered as your eyes lingered on his frame. He was wide, well-built and muscular. The man was one of the more beautiful people you'd ever seen in your life and his intense stare made your cheeks turn a shade of pink. Looking away, your focus went around the room as you continued your performance. 

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