2. Power play

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It's good to be the boss. 

The power, the respect, the privileges. 

But it was even better to be the boss' girl. All the perks, none of the responsibilities. 

In the 6 months you'd known and become involved with Poe, he had taken over the responsibility of leader. Your father was retiring and the previous leader had unfortunately been taken out by a rival gang. It was the harsh reality of the life you all found yourselves in; living on borrowed time.

With his promotion, Poe made things official with you. He claimed you as his own, never failing to show you off and spoil you. It was like a dream. You were his golden girl, his princess. He gave you the world and you gave him your everything. The gifts at times were extravagant and the parties were wild. But the best thing about your relationship with the new mob boss; the sex.

No man had ever pleased you the way he did; no one knew your body like Poe. He drove you wild and took over all of your senses the second you were in his company. His hand was always on you, no matter where you were or what company you kept. It was protective and affectionate, always assuring you that his presence meant your safety. Growing closer to him meant growing closer to the gang as a whole. Many girlfriends were kept sheltered from the realities of gang life, but Poe welcomed you to take part as much as you wanted. It filled him with pride to see you engaging and helping; you'd even help him by luring enemies in and using your hypnotising essence to distract them as he got away with murder. You were the perfect couple; the real Bonnie and Clyde.

Poe's associates and henchmen respected you, but his friends loved you. Becoming close with his second in command, Finn was fun. He was just like Poe; just as passionate and dedicated. You'd both been a part of the Resistance from a young age, playing in the bar as children while the adults tended to business. Although Finn was a few years older, he always made time for you as he would for a sister. He was the adopted son of one of the lead associates; taken in after running away from his previous family. You would joke with him, helping him poke fun at your boyfriend and looking out for each other when Poe wasn't around. Finn introduced you to Rey, a young lady that recently joined the group a month or so before Poe took over. It made you feel so much better having another female around; the testosterone in meetings made you sick at times. Rey became your best friend quickly and you were thankful to have her at your side. The four of you sat at the top of the table, in control of everything and everyone. Life was great, business was booming and your relationship was getting stronger with each day.

One day, while Poe was visiting you at your apartment, he received a phone call from one of the lower level associates. Something about a deal going sour, you couldn't hear much before he got up and walked away. A frown crossed your features as he walked out onto your balcony. You didn't like when he hid things from you; it felt hypocritical that he would bring you in and actively encourage you to be involved in most things but then remove you completely from others. Sat on the sofa, you paused the movie you had both been watching and stood, walking towards the balcony door. Leaning in the open doorway, you crossed your arms and watched him pace up and down. "It's those bastards from the Order, I know it. They've been in our arse for weeks. Something needs to be done, Ren thinks he's special; we need to remind him he's not..." Your brows furrowed, walking over and wrapping your arms around his waist, cheek resting on his back. Flinching for a second, Poe relaxed into your touch, free hand resting on top of yours and rubbing his thumb over your fingers. "We need to send a message, let them know who they're messing with." You sighed, stepping around to place yourself in front of him.

"Baby, you don't need a war right now. There's so much happening with expanding and setting up another club, we don't have the resources. Why not try a sit down?" Poe's eyebrow raised as he looked down at you, heading tilting as he considered your words. "Whoever it is, just reach out. Friends close and enemies closer or whatever. Get them to come down to the bar and try to bargain a treaty. They could be useful to have on our side if they're capable of messing with other gangs' business." He smiled, leaning down to kiss your forehead and cupping your cheek.

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