11. Date with the Devil

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You were sat in the large leather office chair. Vic, or whoever it was, stood by the door. As soon as you'd sent the message, he had taken your phone away and hidden it in his pocket. His eyes were burning into you, a deep blue that sent shivers down your spine. He was incredibly intimidating, not speaking a single word to you no matter how many times you asked questions. Your hands shook on your lap, nerves taking over as you desperately wished Kylo would return soon. 

It had been around 2 hours since he'd messaged you and you hadn't heard anything; your brain was racing with possibilities. You didn't exactly do as you're told; you had to tell Rey the truth in some form. But you hadn't gone against him either. You sat in a grey area of morality.

A buzzing noise broke you out of your train of thought, looking towards the door and seeing Vic answer his phone. "Yeah, no worry boss I'm watching her. Where? Sure, alright yeah. I'll see you in ten." He hung up and looked at you, crossing his arms. "Time to go, get up. We're meeting the boss." Your frowned, crossing your arms.

"I'm not going anywhere with you, not unless I speak to Kylo first." Frowning, you turned the chair so you were facing away from the man. You heard footsteps approaching before a strong hand gripped your arm and yanked you out of the seat. "Get off of me!" You were pulled against his chest, one hand covering your mouth as the other gripped your waist tightly. Kicking violently, you tried to break out of his grasp.

"Shut the fuck up and stop being a little bitch. Boss might be fond of you but personally you're a pain in my ass and I will knock you the fuck out if I have to." Vic picked you up and began to carry you out of the room. Becoming bored of your kicking, he threw you over his shoulder causing you to scream. Vic carried you through the dark building, navigating the corridors and walking into a garage. There were 3 large black SUVs, a handful of motorbikes and 2 lorries.

"I swear to fuck, you are not putting me on the back of one of those death machines." You punched his back as he walked over to the bikes. "I don't care who you are or who you think you answer to, I'm not getting on that fucking bike with you!" Flinging you back over his shoulder, your feet touched the ground.

"It's either, you sit on this bike with me and we go straight to where we're meant to meet the boss. Or I fold you up, stuff you in a fucking bag and chuck you in the boot of the truck, and you sit in there while the guys run errands. Take your fucking pick because I am getting very tired of you." You bit your lip, looking to the floor and sighing. You nodded slightly, not taking your eyes off of your feet. "Good, now get on the fucking bike. You can sit in front of me so I can make sure you don't try and chuck yourself off halfway." Sighing, you grabbed the handles and slung your leg over straddling the bike. Vic quickly got on behind you, placing his hands on top of yours and holding the handlebar tightly. You winced at how tightly he was gripping your hands, biting your lip and leaning forward. "If you keep moving, you're gonna kill us both," one hand left yours and grabbed your hip, pulling you backwards until you were flush against his chest, "so chill the fuck out and stay put." You could feel his breath on your neck, making you blush. His hand left your hip, gripping the handle after starting the engine. You flinched as the bike began to vibrate, closing your eyes and praying you made it safely to wherever you were going.

The ride was terrifying. You spent the entire time with your eyes closed. In your fear, your body had curled back resting into Vic's chest. At one point, he had removed one hand from the bar and wrapped it around your waist holding you tightly to try and get you to calm down. It was oddly soothing, allowing you to open one eye and take in the last part of the ride. You pulled up outside a restaurant; you didn't recognise it but it looked overly fancy for the way you looked. Your anxiety flared, leaning into Vic's chest even more instinctively looking for comfort. He sighed, turning the engine off and patting your thigh. "Come on, off you get now. We're here." Biting your lip, you looked down as his hand lingered on your thigh for a moment before it disappeared. Climbing off, you straightened out your dress trying to look remotely presentable considering you'd been wearing this dress for around 12 hours. "Boss is inside, I have places to be." Vic looked you over quickly before climbing back onto the bike. "Go on, in you go." He sat watching as you slowly made your way to the door. Placing your hand on the door, you glanced at him once more before making your way inside.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11, 2021 ⏰

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