Chapter 14

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Axarii's POV

Martha pulled me into an tight embrace as soon as I entered the kitchen. From the looks of it she wasn't getting ready to let me go anytime soon. "Uh Martha... I can't really breathe." I said slowly, she then quickly released me as she apologized several times.

"Oh Axarii! I'm missed you so much dear. You never returned my calls after the twins turned two years old, I was worried sick." Martha exclaimed as she threw the food bags in the bin. When she said this it made me feel bad for throwing her into the dark.

"I'm really sorry about that, I decided to cut off every one besides Winston back then just in case... you know." She nodded her head showing that she understood.

"So what's all this?" I asked referring to the food that had been set up on the table. "Mr. Knight mentioned visiting you and the children so Benson and I asked to join. I was the one that suggested bringing you all Chick-fil-A." After she finished explaining to me everything Benson walked into the kitchen, I couldn't help but smile brightly up at him.

Benson always reminded me so much of my late grandfather. He was funny, kind and always put other's needs in front of his own. I went up to him before hugging him tightly, him doing the same.

"Hey there pumpkin, I see that you've got yourself some rugrats on your hands." He spoke out before the three of us burst into laughter.

"I'll go let the children and Xavier know that the food has been set on the table." Martha said before walking out of the room.

"So..." I spoke out while Benson raised an eyebrow in question. "What's going on between you and Martha Benny?" I teased out while poking his side. A strangled cough came from him before he cleared his throat.

"What on earth are you talking about child?" He asked before slapping my hand away. "Don't try and play dumb with me. I saw the way you two were looking at each other right then." I said before smiling once I saw the look of defeat on his face.

"There's not much to say... I've liked her for years but I guess I was too afraid to confront her about it. Then one day she came up to me and asked if I wanted to have some tea with her. One day of tea turned out to be several days of tea."

I couldn't help the small squeal that escaped from me as I visualized the thought of those two being together. Yes, I know that was quite dramatic but I could give two flying fucks.

A few seconds passed before Martha came back with the kids and Xavier who was already staring at me. I would've flicked him off again but Cole and Reyna shouldn't have to see that side of me...


"My gosh, I just can't take my eyes off you! You look so much like your mother child." Martha exclaimed as she played a tea party with Rey. I couldn't help but smile when I watched her little cheeks turn all rose-like.

"Thank you Ms. Martha." She whispered out before placing her teddy bear beside her.

"You even use manners?! Your mother has taught you well dear, unlike your father who acts out on his emotions." Martha said, muttering the last part. "I heard that." Xavier said as he walked in the room. I assume that he'd just finished putting Cole to bed.

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