Chapter 21

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"She'll have to pass on that offer." A voice spoke from behind.

Turning around to see.. I'm pretty sure you already know who it is so I don't even have to say their name.

After walking towards us he stood next to me before moving me on the other side of him, away from Henry. I couldn't help but roll my eyes at his childishness.

"What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be tending to a meeting or something?" I asked him as I tried removing his arm that was around my waist but it was no use.

Not even a second later Cole ran towards us before grabbing onto Xavier's leg, him running a hand through his hair before making Cole look at him.

I watched as Reyna was about to run towards him as well but she stopped herself, probably scared that he would be upset with her.

"How's my little man doing?" He asked with a serious expression plastered on his face. "Good." Cole replied back with the same tone before they both smiled at one another.

What the fu-

"I called him here." The principal suddenly butted in as she walked out of the room we just came from. "Why? When you asked I said that there would be no need to-"

"She called because I am their father, therefore I have every right to be here just as much as you." He spoke out before leaning towards my ear.

"Just because you can handle yourself when I'm not around doesn't mean I'm gonna stay away from our kids love." He whispered out before placing a kiss on the top of my head. I felt as my face heated up in embarrassment before I pulled myself away from his grip, him letting go of me this time.

After a few moments of Xavier and I bickering back and forth before apologizing to Henry for Xavier's rudeness, I followed behind as he held onto Cole's hand while Reyna practically whined until I held her, burying her face in the crook of my neck.

I can't wait to see how they'll cope without me once they're old enough to move out of the house.

I laughed as Xavier tried putting Cole in the backseat of my car but Cole told him that he was a 'big boy now' before he climbed up on his own.

He then turned towards Reyna and I before he took her from my grasp, Reyna immediately hiding her face from him. "Princess look at me." He spoke out softly but she shook her head.

"Please..." He muttered out.

After hearing her father say the 'nice word' she slowly raised her head from his chest. Xavier then placed a hand on the side of her face before he brushed the small tears away. "Why are you crying?" He asked her while she grabbed onto the side of his face as well.

"You're not mad at me?" She asked him.

"Of course not. I could never be mad at my princess for sticking up for herself. I'm so proud of you." He told her, a huge smile now on Reyna's face. I then cleared my throat to get his attention.

"I wasn't saying I approve of her biting people.." He explained but I could see the smile he was trying to hide from me.

"Next time someone is messing with you or Cole, how about we try hitting them next time instead of biting?" He asked.

Is he serious right now?


2 days later...

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