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4 years later...

"I'm gonna get you!" I heard Cole say, a little scream followed behind.

"Mommy!" Serena squealed out before I heard the three making their way into the kitchen. "What did I say about running in the house?" I reminded the three before turning away from the food.

Cole and Reyna muttered out 'sorry' while Serena pouted. "Mommy... Rain and Cold are being mean to me." She muttered out before reaching her arms out, wanting me to pick her up.

Yup... looks like I spoiled this one too.

Reyna rolled her eyes and Cole let out a small sigh. "My name isn't cold Rena, it's Cole." He said as I picked her up. "And my name isn't rain!"

"I don't care." Was all she said before resting her head on my shoulder. I couldn't help but smile at them. The three all had their fathers' anger issues...

Cole looked slightly irritated while Reyna was obviously upset. "Mom can you please get her? She's being such a brat!" Reyna exclaimed.

"You're a brat!" Serena yelled back.

"Well you did act the same way Rey... you still do." Cole added.

"Alright that's enough. Cole and Reyna go finish setting up the table before your father gets here." I told them before turning off the stove.

"Too late." A voice from behind me spoke out next to my ear. I jumped up in shock before turning around with Serena in my arms. "Daddy!"

"Hey angel, have you been behaving?" He asked her before taking her from me when she reached out to him.

Yup. Another daddy's girl.

Serena quickly nodded her head before playing with Xavier's hair. "I missed you." She muttered out.

A small chuckle escaped from him before he looked at me. "I missed you too. I missed all of you."

"How was work?" I asked him when he finally put Serena down, her running to where Cole and Reyna went. He made his way towards me, pulling me closer to him.

"It was boring. Lame... I miss working with you by my side." He muttered out before pecking my lips. I couldn't help but laugh at him before pecking his lips back. "Well that's your fault."

He smiled at me before placing a hand on my baby bump. "I told you... I want a lot of kids." I couldn't help but roll my eyes.

"For what? I can't take care of an entire army." I told him.

"Well who's gonna watch over me when I get all old and wrinkly?" He asked. Is he serious?

I pushed him away from me before telling him to take the pots of food to the table. "Aright alright. I'm sorry." He chuckled out before kissing me again.

The five of us were at the table eating and laughing at things that happened and Cole and Reyna's school or at Xavier's job before someone knocked on the door. Xavier was about to get up but I beat him to it.

"It's okay. I got it." I told him before walking out of the dining room, towards the front door. When I opened the door I saw that it was Winston and Sophie.

"Hey bestie!" Sophie exclaimed before pulling me in for a small hug. Just as I hugged her back we were pulled away from one another.

"Bestie? Um no." Winston said before looking at me. I could feel the small tension between the three of us.

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