Chapter 11

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The Next Day...

"Care to explain to me again why he couldn't find another way there?" I'd say this is my 100th time sighing due to all childishness from these two.

We are currently in one of Xavier's private jets that he recommended for us to travel in and the two just can't seem to get along. They've literally been finding the pettiest things to argue about and have been going at for an hour straight.

"For the last time, both you need to get along and keep it down. The kids are asleep in the other room and you two are giving me a headache." I spoke out frustratingly while I got into a comfortable position on the expensive looking couch, fully allowing sleep to take over.


Quickly sitting up to see Xavier shaking me, trying to look pissed off but I knew that I probably just looked drunk considering the fact that I just woke up.

"What the hell Xavier?" I whispered out before slowly sitting up now feeling a slight pain in my neck.

"Where's everyone?" Looking around to see no one but the two of us and that the jet is no longer moving. Somehow I was sleeping on the bed where Reyna and Cole were instead of the couch.

"They're heading towards the cars outside. You didn't wake up when I repeatedly called your name." Getting up to grab both my phone and purse off the dresser before making my way towards the door, Xavier quickly pulled me back causing me to drop my things and fall back onto the bed.

Xavier was now on top of me looking at me with an angry look expressed on his face but there was a hint of lust in his eyes. "Look at me." He spoke out, making me avert my eyes elsewhere.

"Axarii." Slowly I raise my head to meet his gaze and his lips were instantly on mine, kissing me with so much force.

"You are mine."

A small moan escaped from me as I felt him run a hand through my hair before holding onto it possessively. He was looking down at me with so much anger for some reason as if I did something wrong. I said nothing and he growled lowly in response, nibbling on my bottom lip.

"Do you trust me?" Surprising us both as I slowly nodded my head. Pressing a hand against my mouth to stop another moan from escaping once I felt his hand going underneath my dress, his fingers rubbing small circles around my clit. That's when it hit me.

"You're already so wet for me." He smirked. Looking away in embarrassment while he licked his fingers that were tainted with my juices, staring at me with much need before lowering himself to the lower half of my body.

"Xavier." I tried protesting but instead began to moan uncontrollably as he repeatedly thrusted his tongue inside me. Shit.

"Axarii." He groaned out lowly with need. Just as I was on the brink of my orgasm he began calling out to me even louder. Slowly looking up to see him now standing at the door yelling at me, but there was no sound coming from his mouth. My vision then went black, seeing nothing but the darkness as it consumed me before I was finally able to see the light.

"Axarii!" Someone shouted causing me to quickly sit up in shock. As I looked around I saw that I was still laying on the couch I fell asleep on.

Was I just dreaming about....

What the fuck?!

"About fucking time! I've been trying to wake you up for ten minutes straight. What was going on in that head of yours?" Winston asked, not before flicking me in the forehead.

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