Chapter 41

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Axarii's POV

The feeling of someone shaking me roughly startled me, causing me to jump up in shock. I looked around to see that I was in some sort of bedroom. Where? I have no idea.

"Oh, you're finally up. It's about time..." A voice spoke out. I looked next to me to see Bryant who looked annoyed.

I quickly went over to the other side of the bed, creating distance between the two of us.

"What the hell did you do to me?" I yelled out as I remembered bumping into him before I passed out. My hands automatically went to my belly. What if-

A deep chuckle escaped from him before he threw his hands up in the air. "Well would you look at that... Henry was right. You're pregnant again." He spoke out calmly.

He held up a hand, silencing me. "You're my sister, whether I like that or not. But I do hate you, I will always hate you for what you did to my mother." He stated.

"She brought you into this world, and you killed her." He spat out, looking at me with so much hatred.

"You were lucky though... giving birth to twins and still being here, must be nice." He added.

"Where are my children?" I asked him, staring at him the same way he was looking at me. "Oh? You've gotten quite bold since you and Xavier reminisced."

"Where is Cole and Reyna?" I asked again.

He sighed out, shoving his hands into his pants pockets, "They're here somewhere, with Henry." Was all he said.

"And where are we?"

He shook his head, "I don't owe you any explanation."

"Bryant why are you even doing this? I get you blame me for our mother's death but I've learned to move on... believe it or not I spoke with mom and she doesn't hate me-" I began.

"Shut up! You know absolutely nothing. Out of everyone, why the hell would she speak with you?!" He yelled out, him now standing in front of me angrily.

"Because of you my mother couldn't live the rest of her life. She couldn't watch her kids grow nor could she grow old with dad. Everything is your fault!" He pushed me roughly towards the wall, trapping me.

Tears were now streaming down my face as I looked at him in anger. Although I said I had forgiven myself, deep down I still felt guilty for being here.

Bryant then grabbed my chin, forcing me to look at him. "Cut the bullshit. You never gave a damn about her, you never got the chance to even meet her." He spoke out dryly.

I slapped his hand away before shoving him away from me, "Not everything is about you Bryant! You're acting as if I asked for any of this to happen, I didn't ask to be made but here I am. She's my mother too, whether you like it or not and she knew the consequences of birthing me.

I've been put through so much pain because of you. Because of everyone! I've honestly lost count of how many times I wanted to end my own life. The fact that my brother and best friend were both in on ruining the one thing that made me happy, that kept me away from my dark past... is just sad.

I did nothing but love you guys and you did me so fucking wrong! And now I'm having to bring another baby into this cruel world. I don't deserve any of this!" I cried out, my vision blurred with all of the tears.

I yanked away when I felt a hand grab onto my arm, "You're my older brother Bryant! You're doing nothing but hurting me instead of protecting me!" I yelled out in anger.

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