Chapter 23

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Everything was a blur.

I couldn't remember anything. I didn't know what happened or how I ended up in this bed but here I was.

The sound of the door opening caused me to sit up quickly, looking to see who it was. Just as I sat up I placed a hand on my forehead before letting out a groan. Damn, I shouldn't have sat up that fast.

"You're finally awake." He said before laughing. I rolled my eyes at him before throwing the nearest thing his way, a pillow which he easily caught. "What am I doing here? Did you kidnap me?" I asked.

"You really don't remember what happened last night?" He asked. A deep sigh came from me before I responded, "Don't you think I wouldn't be asking you right now if I remembered?"

Instead of responding back he walked towards the bed I was sitting on and sat in front of me.

"Well then, I'll just have to tell you." He spoke out while leaning forward.

Hours before...

Grayson's POV

"Come on! Are you sure you can't have at least one drink with us? We're here to have some fun, yet you're acting like a party pooper." One of my friends asked me as I stared at a message on my phone.

It was another message from my father about that woman he wants me to marry.

I sighed out in annoyance, "yeah I'm sure. I don't know who's gonna drive you guys home when you're all drunk."

They all laughed as if I said something funny before my other friend, Liam patted me on the back. "We'll all be looking at you as our chaperone!" He exclaimed.

Before I could say anything Derek made a whistle sound before speaking, "Look at that arm candy who just walked in with some guy." He said, causing all of us to look towards the entrance of the bar.

I couldn't help but be surprised to see Axarii, at a place like this. But my surprise quickly vanished when I saw her with that crazy best friend, Winston.

"I wouldn't be saying that if I were you.. you know that's Xavier's 'ex wife' and he would have your head for saying something like that." I said teasingly. Derek then looked over to me.

"And how would you know that?" He asked.

"Because she's my secretary." I responded back. As I said this I noticed how all of them looked as if they wanted to say something. "What is it?"

"If she's really Knight's 'ex wife' and she's working for you.. then you're playing cards with the devil if you actually think you'll have a shot against him, or even a shot with her." Derek stated. I couldn't help but get ticked off by his comment.

He's speaking as if we should be afraid of Xavier.

I decided to let them talk about the issue without me as I watched both Axarii and Winston take a seat at a near booth. They looked to be having fun, throughout their conversation I could tell that things were beginning to get tense.

"Someone's in loveee." Liam yelled out, earning a punch on the arm from me.

"Shut the hell up." I looked back at the two to see Winston now looking afraid as he spoke about something while Axarii was beginning to look upset.

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