Chapter 40

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Axarii's POV

"Look mommy! We're up so high!" Reyna exclaimed. I hummed in response, not look out the window. "Yeah that's nice sweetie."

The four of us were currently on a plane, on the way to Disney Land. Usually I'd be fine on a plane but for some reason I felt uneasy.

"I think mommy is scared of heights daddy." Cole muttered out, a small chuckle escaping from Xavier. I glared out him before staring back at the ceiling.

"But she was fine the last time we got on a plane." Cole added, looking at me in confusion. Not even a second later there was a small scowl on his face.

"It's probably because of that baby." I couldn't help but shake my head as he pointed at my belly, Reyna telling him to stop.

"You're just jealous because mommy won't be able to hold you anymore when our sister is here. You big baby!" She exclaimed. Cole then turned towards her slowly.

"What did you just say?" Xavier then stepped in, separating the two, "Alright that's enough. No more fighting, you got that?" He asked them sternly. I watched in silence as the two nodded their heads before Reyna ran towards the bedroom in the back while Cole walked towards me.

I picked up Cole before setting him gently on my lap when he was close enough. He rested his head of my shoulder before muttering out that he was sorry.

"It's okay baby... and mommy will always love and be here for you and your sister. Even after I have this baby. My love for you two won't change okay?" I told him. After a few moments he lifted up his head, staring at me.

"Pinky promise?" A small giggle escaped from me as he held up his hand. "I pinky promise." I said after grabbing his finger with my own. Cole then nodded his head before looking down at my belly.

"I'll give you a chance but you better not hurt mommy." He pouted slightly as he placed a hand on my stomach. I couldn't help but look in awe. He was trying.

"That's my boy." Xavier stated proudly before messing with Cole's hair. While the two play fought on the couch after Cole got up from my lap, I made my way towards the bedroom.

After closing the door behind me I looked to see Reyna laying down asleep. I took off my crocs before getting on the bed myself, laying next to her. "You're still my precious little baby Rey..." I muttered out before I found myself drifting off to sleep.

Before the darkness consumed me completely I heard a small voice say, "And you're still the best mommy." A smile formed on my lips as I felt tiny arms wrap themselves around me.


"Wow!" Reyna yelled out again. She was so excited to get on another ride. It's been about a hour and a half since we made it to Disney Land. The two have been getting on different rides, eating cotton candy and grabbing different items for Xavier to buy.

I couldn't help but laugh at his face when he looked at all the bags he was carrying. "Well, you were the one who suggested going to Disney Land." I teased. He scowled at me playfully.

"If my hands weren't full I'd teach you another lesson." He spoke out calmly.

Cole and Reyna both gasped in shock before looking at one another. I thought they understood what he meant but it seemed like something else got their attention.

"Race you there!" They both yelled out before taking off, catching both Xavier and I off guard.

"Wait for us!" I called out as we followed behind them.

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