Chapter 4

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Axarii's POV

The door was opened by a smiling Sophie. She pulled me into an brief hug before she noticed that something was wrong.

"Are you alright? You look like you've been crying-" She began but left it alone when I told her I was fine, walking into the house.

Already knowing where they would be I walked down the hall and towards the room they love going to. After turning the corner I walked into the little playroom that Sophie had made for the two after I had told her several times that she didn't have to.

Stepping over dolls and LEGO's, Reyna was the first to notice me and ran towards me immediately crying while Cole was smiling as he ran.

"What's wrong Rey?" I asked as I wiped away the tears from her red cheeks.

"You left and didn't say bye!"

"And you didn't make us French toast like you promised." Cole said while holding onto my legs.

"Uncle Winnie's food was black." Reyna complained, causing a small laugh to escape from me.

The guy's useful when it comes to helping cook, but when he does all of the work... just order yourself some take out.

"I'm so sorry babies. Mommy had to leave early for work." I explained as I tried putting Reyna down but her little arms tightened around my neck and she murmured out an small "no", a little sigh escaped me at her being so spoiled.

Even though I'm the main reason why.

But can you blame me? She's just so adorable!

"And I told you it's not 'bye.' It's see you later Rey." I reminded her.

"Hey, who are you?" Cole asked as he let go of my legs and pointed at someone behind me, Reyna turned her head to see who he was talking about, now tilting her head to the side.

I then turned to see Xavier and Sophie at the entrance of the room. What the hell?

Sophie looked at me with a apologetic expression, "I'm sorry... just as I was about to close the door, I saw him get out of a car and rush towards me. When he told me who he was I had let him in..." She muttered out.

After setting Reyna down I looked at Xavier and watched as he walked in the room slowly, looking at Cole cautiously.

"Are you our new daddy?" Reyna asked curiously as she walked in front of him. Cole stubbornly pulled her away from Xavier and glared at him. "We don't need a new daddy."

"He's an old friend of mine that I saw at work." I said as I walked towards them, avoiding Xavier's gaze. He then crouched in front of Reyna and Cole.

"What's your name princess?" He looked at Reyna and she blushed at the attention.

"Reyna." She softly replied. The love and adoration sparkled in his eyes as he looked upon her.

"That's a beautiful name. You look just like your mother." He smiled backed at her once he saw her beaming with happiness.

"What about you little man?" He looked towards Cole who was still glaring at him and I could tell that Xavier was holding back a laugh as he was clearly amused.

"My name is Cole Braxton Miller." He spoke and held his hand out. Xavier's amused expression turned into shock at Cole's formality before he shook his hand. "Cole." He repeated before looking my way.

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