Chapter 28

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"Can you repeat that again?" I asked him.

A small sigh escaped from him before he walked closer to me, leaning over my desk. "I know this is a last minute thing, but I need you to come to Arizona with me."

I placed the stack of papers on the desk in front of me before looking up at him, "And what's the occasion?"

"It's a big business meeting. Everyone's gonna be there and it's kind of mandatory that my assistant comes with me." He explained.

I picked up a pen before tossing it at him which he quickly dodged. "Are you serious Grayson? You should've told me about this at least a week earlier than the actual date. I would need to see who can watch over Reyna and Cole... Why now?" 

"I know I should've been told you about it and I'm sorry, with everything going on I've been so distracted lately." He explained.

"I guess I don't really have a choice since it's mandatory... Xavier's parents should be fine with keeping them, or I could just ask him to watch them while I'm gone." I muttered out.

"You might want to just ask his parents... he'll more than likely be coming to Arizona as well." A sigh escaped from me at the thought of him being there.

"That means that whore would have to come with him too right?" I asked, a little part of me hoping he'd say no.

Instead of giving me the response I was looking for he shrugged instead. "I suppose she'll probably be there, after all she is his assistant. I'm not really sure but I just know that we will all be staying in a penthouse."

When I looked back up at him I didn't even notice how close we were, his face inches away from my own... um talk about personal space.

"Uh Grayson what are you-" I began when I noticed him leaning even closer, his lips almost touching mine. Just before they could connect I backed away in my rolling-chair so that we now had distance between us.

No matter how tempted I was... it would still be wrong.

"We can't... I'm still married-"

"So what?" He cuts me off.

"I get that you're staying with him now and you recently found out about him not submitting the papers but didn't you talk to him about getting an actual divorce?" Grayson asked me.

"Well yeah but-"

"And how did that go?" He asked again.

4 days ago...

"How long are we going to keep this up?" He asked me.

Instead of answering him I turned so that my back faced him, showing that I was in no mood to talk. Today had been a busy day. A deep sigh was heard from behind me. Although I wanted to him leave a little part of me wanted him to stay.

When I felt the other side of the bed move I knew he didn't leave. A small sigh came from me when I felt him lay next to me before wrapping his arms around me. Unconsciously, my eyes closed as he peppered small kisses on the side of my neck.

A moan then escaped from me but I quickly covered it up with a fake cough, him now sucking on the sweet spot on my neck. My eyes opened slightly as I felt his hand on my ass which is only covered by the nightgown I'm wearing.

"Xavier-" I began as I tried moving away from him but his grip on me tightened.

"Come sleep with me.. in our bedroom." He whispered out in my ear, his deep voice sending chills down my spine. I noticed the way he emphasized the word "our" when he mentioned the bedroom.

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