Chapter 9

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Axarii's POV

After one hell of an awkward breakfast, I purposely ignored Xavier as I got Reyna and Cole ready for their day. Today was Friday and I was thankful for having the day off, not that I would've had a lot of work to do but at least I'll get the day to myself.

"You have everything with you?" I asked the two as they got their bags with toys and supplies ready. Nodding in response, I go back upstairs to quickly get dressed.

I decided on wearing a simple dark blue dress that stopped right above my knees and hugged my curves with a pair of vans. After refreshening my hair and putting on lipgloss I grabbed my purse before heading down the stairs.

"Is daddy taking us to school?" Reyna asked once she saw me. Shaking my head at her while I went to grab my keys that were hanging up. I'm not even surprised that Reyna's handling this situation better than both Cole and I. She's definitely her father's daughter.

Where did I put my keys?

"Have you guys seen my keys?" Both of them shaking their heads. I know they're not in my purse, because I checked on the way down here and I remember hanging them.

Suddenly, my keys were swinging in front of my face. I tried grabbing them but the hand raised them higher.

"Looking for these?" Shivering slightly as his warm breath made it to my ear. Turning around to glare at him which only resulted to him being amused.

When did he get dressed?

"You really thought I was going to let you leave? Without me?" I could easily tell that he was teasing me. Bringing my hand out for him to put my keys in but instead he grabbed my hand and dragged me towards the door.

"Let's go kids."

* * * *

Remember how I said I'd get the day to myself?

Well, that'll just have to be another day...

Honestly, all I wanted was to get some alone time and think about everything that's been happening for the past few weeks. Xavier and I just dropped the kids off at daycare and he's now driving us to some place that he won't tell me about.

"Why don't you just take me back home Xavier? I need time to think." I said while eyeing the hand that was on my thigh.

Something he always did.

"I'm taking you out. We can talk about everything." Was all he said as he picked up the speed.

Talking to Xavier is like talking to a damn wall.

We ended up being parked in front of some fancy restaurant. I glared at him once the engine was turned off, him simply ignoring me and getting out. I was about to pull the handle to open the door on my side but Xavier had beaten me to it.

"You're still hungry? We just had breakfast." I asked as we walked in, immediately being greeted by a female waitress. Just by looking at her I already knew that she was a bitch.

That little flirty look. Poking her breasts out in front of him. Acting as if I'm not standing next to him. Xavier must be enjoying this right? He hasn't said or done anything.

Fucking unprofessional.

"You and I both know that you're still hungry. That amount of food is only able to satisfy the bellies of children like Cole and Rain." He whispered in my ear.

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