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Tw: Underage drinking & drug mentioned

Friday night at dinner was filled with excitement from all different houses except for Slytherin. Everyone was excited for this party but they were eating the feast that was made for them. The hall was decorated from head to toe with stunning Christmas decorations. Down at the Gryffindor table, you could spot the Marauders and their 3 friends Marlene, Harper, and Lily hurriedly shoving their faces with food.

"You're sure you got the firewhiskey?" James asked Sirius for the seventh time that night, "Yes Prongs. Calm down!" He said patting him on the back. Marlene broke out in giggles as Dorcas whispered something in her ear which made Harper cringe. "I'm right here guys."

Lily grabbed Marlene and Harper's wrists while yelling at the rest that they'd see them later. "What's up Lil?" Harper asked rubbing her wrist from the tight grip that Lily had on it. "We have to get ready! Especially you Harper! We need to make Mr.Lembo SWOON." She giggled loudly. Marlene rolled her eyes but smirked at the blush on Harper's face.

Clothes were scattered across the girls dorm floor from Lily. Lily had a floral blouse on with ripped jeans, provided by Marlene, and some flats while Marlene wore a short navy dress with sneakers, which Lily very much disapproved of. "Come out! We want to see our work!" Marlene groaned.

Harper walked out of the bathroom wearing a dark green silk dress, black heels, and a necklace that had diamonds on them. Her brunette hair was pulled back into half up half down and her makeup was light. "Woah damn Rossi. I might have to tell Meadows it's over." Marlene joked around causing them all to giggle.

"Shouldn't we go down now?" Harper asked fixing her dress. Gasps were let out from both of her friends, "Harper Toothpick Rossi! We have to be fashionably late. We have to wait like 10 more minutes." Marlene said. "You too with the weird middle name?" Harper groaned. Lily finished putting lip gloss on herself and smiled.

"We look hot!" She exclaimed. Marlene went on to tell her that if she wasn't such a goody toe shoes, she could've wore her backless silver dress but Lily argued back that she isn't a goody toe shoes. "Okay! That's enough. Can we go down NOW?" Harper said standing up. Marlene nodded and led the way.

"Killer Queen" by Queen was playing as they arrived in the common room causing Harper to start singing. "Wow- Rossi you look.. Woah." Justin smiled when he saw her. Lily and Marlene giggled and introduced themselves. "Have fun you two!" Marlene winked at them.

"Hey you what to go get drinks?" He asked her politely and she nodded. He placed his hand on the small of her back and led her to the drinks. They talked for a while and Harper realized that they had nothing in common. Small talk became sudden until "Mississippi Queen" by Mountain came on and saved her. "I love this song - come on let's dance!" She squealed pulling him to the dance floor. She began dancing with him but felt eyes burning into her.

She looked across the room to see Sirius staring at her so she smiled at him which he returned. She continued dancing with Justin for the next few songs when Sirius came up to them. "Hey I'm Sirius" He said introducing himself to Justin. Justin talked to him for a little with Harper cutting in every few sentences.

Justin found a Ravenclaw girl who he seemed interested in so Harper told him it was ok and to go have fun. Sirius's heart fell when Justin left them alone. "Can't Help Falling in Love With You." by Elvis came on so he wrapped his arms around her waist. She giggled and asked, "What are you doing Black?" He smiled and said "Dancing with you." She wrapped her arms around his neck and slow danced with him.

The song went on as they stared into each others eyes. Harper noticed how his grey eyes reminded her of the smoke from a cigarette which made her laugh. "What?" He questioned her. "Nothing. Didn't expect to be dancing with you is all." She smiled. They were only a little tipsy but it gave Sirius a boost of confidence. "I was hoping this would happen actually. You look.. Wow i can't even form a word for your beauty."

She blushed at the bluntness and laid her head on his chest as they danced. The song slowly changed and Sirius led her to a couch where all their friends were. "Oh hey guys! You seemed to be having a good time." James winked at them. A blush formed on Harper's face as Sirius replied, "The git went to some Ravenclaw girl. Couldn't leave this beauty alone." Lily looked at Harper and raised an eyebrow.

Marlene stood up, obviously drunk out of her mind, and grabbed Dorcas's arm. "I'm gonna fight Lemon!" She slurred. Dorcas laughed and told them she was gonna bring her to bed. Marlene obviously thought that meant they were gonna sleep together since she started kissing Dorcas's neck.

Frank Longbottom came over and asked them if they wanted to smoke grass with him but they all declined. He nodded and went over to his girlfriend Alice, who was already high. "Come on let's go to our room and play truth or dare?" James asked his group of friends. They all nodded and snuck off upstairs.

Sirius and Harper sat on his bed, Lily and Remus sat on Remus's, and James and Peter sat on there own. "Truth or dare.. Peter!" Lily smiled at him. His face went pale but replied with truth. "Have you ever shagged someone in this bedroom?" She asked expecting a no. "Yes.." He whispered. All eyes shot up to him when Remus exclaimed "Mate! You never even told us. Who was it?"

Peter was blushing hard and looking at the posters on James's side. "Uh.. it was Mary Macdonald last year." Everyone went silent which turned into laughter. "Anyway uh James truth or dare!" Peter hurriedly asked trying to change the subject. "Dare. I'm not scared!" Harper giggled at his drunken state but waited for Peter's dare. "I dare you too kiss Lily for 20 seconds."

James's face broke into a grin but said "As much as I'd love too - it has to be alright with this fair maiden." Lily rolled her eyes and walked to his bed. He went silent but leaned in and kissed her for well over 20 seconds. Lily walked back to Remus's bed after about 45 seconds and was blushing hysterically. "Merlin - Lily just kissed me." James said in dream like state.

Truth or dare went on for a while which included Remus kissing Peter, Sirius giving a lap dance to Lily, Harper kissing Remus, and James giving Peter a hickey. "Harper, you've barely gone! Truth or dare, love?" Lily asked politely. Harper saw the glint of devil in her eyes so she went with dare.

"Alright then. I dare you to sleep in the boys room tonight with them. But! You have to sleep in Sirius's bed with him." Lily said giggling.

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