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PLEASE READ: i really hate writing about the summer time so i'm just skipping over it more and going back to them going to school. sorry lol. ALSO SORRY LATE UPDATE: it was my birthday on the 13th so haven't had time to write.

September 1st arrived meaning that the kids would be going back to school. Letting out a yawn, Harper got out of bed and stretched. Sirius was still snoring away, but he had at least 20 more minutes until he'd have to get up and get ready. Harper took her opportunity of getting the bathroom first, and used her time wisely. She straightened her hair, brushed her teeth, and put on some light makeup. As she was finishing up her mascara, a knock came at the bathroom door. "I have to piss, Harp!"

Harper cackled before letting Sirius in and kissing him. He kissed back before pushing her out so he could use the restroom. She got changed quickly before double.. i mean triple checking that Sirius and her trunks were packed and had everything they'd need. Of course, Sirius had forgotten to pack most of his things so while he got ready to leave, she packed his stuff for him. "Thanks, doll." He smiled before helping her carry their trunks downstairs. James and his parents were waiting by the door, and they looked extremely upset.

"What's wrong mom and dad?" Sirius asked rushing over to them. "We barely got to see you all over the summer and you're leaving again! Oh my children, how we'll miss you." Euphemia cried into her hug with the boys. Fleamont hugged Harper tight making her eyes well up with tears. "I'll miss you both terribly. I'll write and I'll make sure these two do too!" Harper smiled brightly. Sirius began to make fun of James for being Head Boy along with his beloved Sweetheart Ms. Lily Evans.

"Fuck off! Sorry ma.." James snapped but recoiled once his mother looked at him fiercely. "Come now, or you'll be late." Fleamont said before appareting to the station. Arriving there, they skipped the whole muggle section much to Harper's approval. She never had a problem with them, yet she was terrified they'd see her run into the wall one day. A few more hugs were exchanged before the three 7th years strolled onto the train to find their compartment. Luckily, nobody was in it yet so it gave them time to throw their trunks on top and relax.

"Last year. We've got to make it the best!" Harper squealed sitting on Sirius's lap. "The whole compartment is empty, yet you still choose to sit on this git's lap? Bloody disgusting if you ask me." Marlene smirked walking into the compartment with Lily following. Peter and Remus came not too long after making the compartment complete. "Haven't seen you lot in forever!" Remus smiled at them. "It's been a week, Lupin! Though I've missed you most, bestie." Lily kissed his cheek earning a pout from James since he was earning no affection. Peter seemed oddly quite, making Harper worry for him. "You alright there, Pete?" She asked.

The boy jumped a little before nodding and looking out the window. Everyone seemed to ignore the strange behavior of the boy and returned to chatting about things. "How's Carter?" Sirius asked Remus. Harper felt anger boil inside her stomach at the neglectfulness of their friends towards Peter. She got up off Sirius's lap and sat down between James and Peter. "Pete.. What's wrong..?" Harper asked placing her hand on his. He looked at her with sadness in his eyes before shaking his head. "Nothing. Promise." She decided to not push further but said, "Okay. I'm here for you always."

He shifted uncomfortably in his seat but it went unnoticed by Harper. Returning to Sirius's lap, the trolley came around. "Anything from the trolley dears?" The lady asked politely. James gave a grin to her before saying, "We'll take the lot!" The group cheered before digging into their candy. Remus seemed to be in heaven while Marlene shoved 3 chocolate frogs into his mouth. Dorcas stopped by for a little to see Marlene but left when the boys began to get rowdy.

"Come now, James and Remus. We have a prefects meeting." Lily scowled dragging the two rowdy boys out. Sirius pouted as he lost his mates to the girl but returned to throwing things at Marlene. Peter was still oddly quite which really put Harper on edge. The rest of the ride was boring without their three prefect friends but they made the most of it. Changing into their robes, the train arrived at Hogwarts. The great big castle showed overhead making Harper gape in awe. She'd seen it so many times but it still amazed her.

"Last time doing this." Peter whispered before climbing into their carriage. The 4 friends sat with Frank Longbottom, Alice Fortescue, and Xenophellius Lovegood. The chilly air hit their faces as the carriage moved to the castle. It was pulled by an invisible thing that only Harper and Xenophellius could see. "How could you see them Rossi?" Frank asked after it being explained to him by Alice. "Well.. I watched my father die." Sirius wrapped his arm around her as the awkward silence filled the carriage. "Sorry, should've known better." Frank mumbled with an awkward smile.

The rest of the ride was silent but it turned from awkward to pleasant. The view was breathtaking as they arrived the castle. "Home sweet home, toerags!"Marlene yelled. Many heads turned, including the Slytherin crowd that they so much as hated. "Go back to your boring lives. Nothing to listen too or see here!" She yelled out in embarrassment. Harper cackled at her until they found their 3 prefect friends. "I'm starved." Remus grumbled earning nods from Peter and Marlene. "You just ate the whole trolly!"

The great hall was filled with excited children as they watched the first years be sorted. Harper was waiting for the announcement of the Tri-Wizard Tournament so she could finally eat and go to bed. She wasn't much hungry but she was tired and missed her common room dearly. It had just hit her that she hadn't seen Amos at the Chudley Cannon match so she started to worry for him. Brushing it off, she returned to listening to the announcements. "Anyone who wishes to enter the tournament will be allowed from tonight till October 30th. October 31st we will announce the champions."

Harper ignored the rest until Beauxbaton students stormed into the room. A beautiful blonde female made Harper's heart flutter as she winked at her. A blush crept onto her face as she looked the other boys and girls from the school. The Marauders seemed uninterested with the Beauxbaton students, much to Harper's shock. A large woman that was the height of Hagrid came in, who was named Madam Maxine. Only did they become interested when the Durmstrang students stormed in. Many fierce, handsome, strong men stormed in followed by their professor Karkoff.

The Durmstrang students sat at the Slytherin table while the Beauxbaton students chose the Hufflepuff table. The beautiful blonde girl sat next to Harper and held her hand out. "Ello! Ze name ez Estelle Annette. You?" Harper took a minute to regain herself before saying, "Harper Rossi. Nice to meet you." Estelle smiled before tucking into the food. The girls talked for a little before Harper asked, "Um, what's your sexuality?" She mentally facepalmed knowing she had a boyfriend and the girl was obviously a Veela.

"I ez lezbian." Estelle smiled at her before winking. Harper turned to her dinner with a blush on her face but felt eyes burning into her. She looked up to the Gryffindor table and saw all her friends, including Sirius, smirking at her. She rolled her eyes at them before smiling. "I'm going to my common room. See you around hopefully?" Harper asked Estelle. She nodded and bid goodnight before turning to a boy that was from her school. Harper hurriedly ran out of the Great Hall.

She was greeted with the welcoming air of the Hufflepuff Common Room that seemed more vibrant then ever. "Good to be back.." She whispered before running up to her room. Her trunk was placed on her bed, so she decided to hand unpack and get ready for bed. Her roommates greeted her before turning back to their conversation. Though they never had a problem and were nice to Harper, she was an outcast to them. Only friends with Gryffindors. That's not very Hufflepuff is what they thought.

She shrugged off the thought, finished unpacking, and pulled on her pajamas. "Goodnight girls." She said before climbing into her four poster bed. It felt good to be back though she missed being in Sirius's strong and warm grasp. The first day of classes would be tomorrow and she was as nervous as ever. Harper's mind was filled with thoughts of class, Tri-Wizard Tournament, and Sirius. Luckily, she fell asleep that night and awoke refreshed. "Get up, Rossi! You've missed breakfast." Abbot shook her awake. "FUCK!"

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