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Some smut - I didn't feel like writing it all

Harper sat in the Gryffindor common room at the party for the champions that her friends threw. Estelle didn't seem to show up but Viktor sat next to the girl, talking to her, "It was pretty cool working with you, Rossi. I think this is a good friendship." Harper smiled and nodded in agreement before letting out a shriek. Ice cold red punch was poured all over the two champions as a way of saying, "You did it!" Harper turned around to look who the culprit was but came face to face with Marlene, James, and Sirius. "Merlin.. RUN!" James screamed before taking off to hide behind Lily as Harper chased after them. Viktor got ahold of Marlene who he proceeded to hug which gave Harper the idea of doing the same to Sirius. "Sirius, baby come here. I won't hurt you if you help me get James." Sirius thought about it for a moment before shaking his head no. "Cheers mate!" James yelled.

Harper giggled before jumping on top of her boyfriend making him yell out a steam of cuss words. Viktor soon got James with the help of Lily and now there payback was complete. The 3 culprits and the 2 champions were now soaked from head to toe in punch. "This was not how this was supposed to go." Marlene grumbled before walking up stairs to shower with Dorcas following close behind in a fit of laughter. Harper soon decided against continuing to stay at the party so she could go shower and relax since tomorrow would be a Saturday meaning she could sleep in. Walking down the hallway, her socks made a sloshing sound, causing a laugh to erupt from behind her. Before she could turn, Remus and Sirius caught up to the girl as they began walking with her. "We don't want you to take this long and dangerous journey alone, now do we?" Sirius asked with a laugh. Remus rolled his eyes and replied, "Walking down the stairs and make a few turns isn't dangerous, Padfoot."

Harper let out a giggle as she ran her hand through her long brunette hair. "You ok?" Remus asked, nudging her a bit. She looked over to the boy and noticed that they were both staring at her. "Oh yeah, I'm okay. Why?" Both boys turned their attention back to where they were walking in silence. Arriving at the Hufflepuff common room portrait, Harper asked both boys if they wanted to come in with her. "Sure, why not?" Remus shrugged before joining her inside of the common room. Estelle sat on the couch looking like she was waiting for someone impatiently. "Oh! Harper! I haz been waiting for you!" Harper felt her boyfriends body tense up and heard him grit his teeth, making her tense up as well. "What can I do for you?" Harper asked in a rude sort of tone making Estelle look quite taken back. "I wanted to apologize to you and Ziriuz."

Now it was Sirius and Harper's turn to be confused of the girls actions. Remus announced he'd wait for them in Harper's room since he was friends with Abbott and he'd talk to her. "W-what?" Sirius asked as if it were almost a joke. "I zould've rezpected zat you botz are zogether. I wouldn't like if zomeone kizzed my girlfriend. I hope you boz accept it. Zee you later." Estelle looked at Sirius who looked back in almost shock. What do they do? "Estelle, I accept your apology but you don't have my trust." Harper smiled and earned a smile back before the girl left the room. Walking to Harper's dorm, she mentally face palmed herself for being stupid enough to forgive the girl who almost ruined her relationship. "I can tell you feel bad so I won't make you feel worse. You are an idiot for forgiving her though." Sirius said before opening the door, earning an eye roll from the girl.

Remus sat alone on Harper's bed as it looked like nobody was in the room with him. Remus blushed before whispering, "Forgot she's at the party." Sirius let out a laugh before going to sit down on the bed next next to his friend. "NO! You'd covered in punch, get in the shower." Harper screamed causing the boy to jump up from where he almost sat down. Remus and Harper both let out a cackle of a laugh as he landed on the floor with a loud THUMP! "Not bloody nice of either you." Sirius grumbled before standing and walking towards Harper's trunk. He had his own pair of pajamas in there as Harper did in his, so he pulled them off and walked towards the bathroom to shower. "How's Carter?" Harper whispered as Sirius left the room, making Remus turn a bright red. "He's your boyfriend, Lupin! Don't get all shy whenever someone brings his name up." Rolling his eyes Remus said, "He's good. Been writing less because of school though as he says. Doesn't matter but I should get back to the party and help Lily get all the drunks out since Head Boy is apart of them."

Nodding, she waved goodbye to the boy before letting out a sigh in the empty room. A smirk spread across the girls face as she grabbed some comfy clothes from her trunk alongside her wand. Quietly, Harper crept up to the bathroom door and whispered, "Alahamora." The door clicked open instantly but Sirius didn't seem to notice as he continued washing his long raven black hair with delicacy. Harper tiptoed into the bathroom and quietly got undressed before opening the shower door. "AH!" Sirius yelled as he spotted the girl who began to instantly laugh harder then he's ever seen her. "Shut up." He blushed before grabbing her and pushing her up against the shower wall. "Wha-" Before the girl could continue his sentence, Sirius pressed his lips against her with such fire that it made her feel like she was melting. "I love you." He whispered as he quickly moved his lips down from hers to her neck. "I-I love you too." Harper managed to choke out.

She felt him smirk against her skin as he started leaving kiss marks all over it. Harper let out a soft groan as she felt his hands travel down to her ass, showing that he wanted to her to jump. She jumped up and wrapped her legs around his waist making him stumble a little bit before resuming what he was doing. She let her hands fumble with the boys hair until she felt his hot breath against the back of ear. A shiver was sent down her spine before she connected their lips once more in such passion.


Harper's legs were shaking by the time they finished shagging in the shower. Sirius let out a laugh before helping her wash herself. She was greatful for the boy and how much he cared and loved for her. "Come on, lets get out." He helped her out of the shower and got her dressed seeing as her legs were violently shaking. "Wonder who did that?" Sirius asked before lifting her onto his back. Harper laughed and said "I think it was Remus. Nope maybe James? Nah it was Peter. He's really good at-" Sirius let her fall onto her bed and gave her a death glare which sent another shiver down her spine. He soon laid next to her and wrapped his arms around her waist. "Did you ever.. See yourself marrying Diggory?" Sirius asked as he placed his head in the crook of her neck. Harper thought about it for a moment before whispering, "..Honestly?"

He nodded and she turned around to face him, eye to eye. "I was in love with him. Yes. Honestly though? No. I didn't but I never knew why. I could see me marrying only one person but I never understood why. That was you. But I never thought I could possibly fall for you as you were a ladies man." Sirius sucked in his breath and didn't respond for a while. He slept around because it made him feeling something. His parents and family hated him, Harper was with another man and was in love with him, and he was depressed. Harper saw a look in his eye that she knew pretty well, overthinking. She kissed him once again which led his thoughts to fly away and he just enjoyed the moment.

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